Not Gonna Get Us

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Hey look a normal Picture and no Video. im sure some of you no the song not gonna get us by Tatu. Also god dam this picture is a amazing look at that skin thats shown a bit woo!

I Stood there in shock and tears coming down my face. and smile. "yes i will!" with that i jump into his arms and kiss him as he holds me close. "it'd be great to get married once we find chrollo and have the other troupe with us as well." he nods "wait does Phinks know?" he looked at me and nods." yea he was the one who suggested to propose to you." and smile "aww so cute. i got to thank big bro later. wait...Feitan did you guys steal the ring" he looks away nervously. "N-no i bought it." i raise an eyebrow," uh huh where's the receipt then? he looks at me confused. "a what now?" "Feitan! yes we steal but when were on break dont you think its best to keep a low profile?" 

"nevermind that tomorrow Phinks and i are gonna check out this game we stole it might lead us to where the boss is hopefully. Thing is it's gonna be us two. I called up shalnark and he'll be there." my eyes lit up to hearing shalnarks name. "yeay i get to see Shal-kun." he looks at me in a grumpy way. "geez you seem more happy hearing Shalnarks name then worrying about me." " huh why would i be worried you and Phinks will be together right and your both pretty strong so i no you'll be fine." he smiles and nods "your right. now its late lets rest." you both laid down and got some sleep. tomorrow i'll tell Shalnark what happened and what hisoka told me. that way i can warn him ahead of time.


"Greed Island? hmm i remember hearing about that when i was little from my father but other then that nothing else." we talk to each other and thinking things from here. Feitan and Phinks then enter. while i sit and wait with Shalnark. then i look to him." Shalnark i need to tell you something." he looks over to me. "hm? sure what is it y/n?" i walk over to sit next to him. "well you see." i told him everything that has happend and that Hisoka was at some point going to kill him. of corse Shalnark was furious that Hisoka Raped me but knowing his death would be at the hands of Hisoka. "Thank you for telling me y/n i can be at least sure to watch my back now.

"I want to make sure you stay alive cause once we find the boss Feitan and are getting married and we want everyone there." i blush a bit and he notice and laughs. "I promise Y/n i'll be there." i smile and hug him. " Thanks big bro Shal" i look at him and he was blushing. i giggle at him. and wait.

-Time skip brought to you by My black Bunny i got who i named Feitan he's fluffy and boy he's tiny and Grumpy

Feitan and Phinks returned and from there we where told everything so got to work and headed out.

we rested once more at the Cottage before setting out. i packed a few things and then we met up with everyone. I then noticed the new addition to the team. "uh who's the kid?" Shizuku looks at me who then looked to the boy. " this is Kalluto be nice to him." i stopped and looked at Kalluto..." Wait...Him? wait your telling me this kid is a boy? man when a boy looks more pretty and cuter then you. i fail as a women." shalnark Phinks and Shizuku laugh a bit at your remark. and pat your back. Feitan then walks over to me and holds my hand. i look to him as he smiles a bit." me think your pretty" i blush a bit and then Phinks shouts out to us. "HEY GET A ROOM YOU TWO." shalnark laughs. "yea why not also propose to her while your at it." Feitan Phinks and i stop and look to shalnark who then looks at us in confusion.

"Um Shal the thing is well." i hold out my hand that had the ring on it. Shalnark and Shizuku jump in shock and both shout out. " Wait what when did you!?" and you didn't tell me i thought we where family man" " wait shalnark i thought i told you yesterday or did you forget what i told you yesterday. i said i'll invite you to my wedding after we find the boss." he stood there in shock. " wait i thought you where saying that as a joke!" i laugh at his reaction. "other then that though congratulations Y/n you to Feitan. we smile and nod as we head to our destination. Finally after a while we arrive to Meteor City which has now be over run with chimera ants.

Time to get this show on the road we all head in and decided to take on everything that got in our way. to be honest this has got to be my first time as well seeing them all go full out attack using nen and other ability's i never knew they even had. we fought and fought till finally we got to Zazan the queen. I was about to go but Feitan told me to stay back and that he will take this fight. "Feitan...dont die." he smirks. " me die put more trust in me love, this bitch is going down fast." 

after a while the queen broke Feitan's arm...i was gonna jump in but Phinks held me back knowing what was about to happen. Phinks pulled me and Kalluto back and away fast
"Wait Phinks whats going on let go of me now!" "If i do that then you'll die and feitan would kill me if that was to happen he'll be fine trust me and run!"

Feitan's Pov

""一块废物..." 知道你的地方.... Pain Packer! Raising sun." good thing Phinks knew what to do and took y/n and left. now then. "热吗?oh is it hot?, 喉嚨燒焦甚至呼吸?Throat to burnt to breathe? you could try to run...seeing that you cant move. heh whats wrong? make use of that tough body your so proud of ." i hope they got out safe. mainly y/n. " Heh.....Heh...Heh...." is stand there and start laughing as the the oh so queen dies before me. its fascinating. i then look down at the burnt body and smirk. "how unfortunate you could have had a faster death if you delt more damage to me. oh well thats your fault." 


after a while we wait it out as we see Feitan walking towards us holding his arm. i run over to him knowing he was injured and held him close. " you idiot why havent you told me about this before i was worried. Baka!" i sob loudly into his chest as he held me with his good arm. and kisses my forehead. "sorry i didnt want you to freak out and i never really use this move unless its critical conditions." Phinks then shouted. "yea right you just also wanted to impress Y/n show off!" we then smile and laugh a bit and then headed out. as we talked Shalnark gets a call from Nobunaga asking for help with something then Phinks started to get a sentimental with his words.

"Wow your starting to sound like a girl with a crush arent yea Phinks." i looks to shalnark and laugh a bit until Feitan and i at the same time said something, "awe your adorable girl Phinksy!" "Heh Girly Girl. " The hell you say! i'll kill you!" "Hey watch it where injured Phinks!" I ran away and laughing. " no matter what i still love them they are my family Nothing can stop us. No one will." 

Even though we laugh deep down i knew it was soon. starting in 2 month from now is when the count down begins the death and preventing of there fates begins. Chrollo i hope we find you soon.


So starting from here it'll be going onto the manga and pass a bit between the fight with Gon and the others. so from here it will be Spoilers which im sure by now some of you already knows what happens if not um s-sorry ono.

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