Mr drug dealer

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~Dabi's pov~

The sky slowly faded into a dark blue tinted with a bit of pink. Dabi looked out the window. Its already been 2 hours. The black market was a place you did not want to end up at. Dabi had been there once or twice, but not enough to discover its true mature. Shigaraki has had a lot of business meetings there at he'd caught a glimpse of the stalls, but truth is, Dabi had no idea what was going on.

"Are we there yet Dabi?"Toga asked for the hundreth time.

"Can't you just stay still and be quiet for even a minute?!"Dabi goaned.

"I swear the next time you say something I will drive off this road."

Toga just rolled her eyes and kept on throwing her knives, up and down. She really was a psychopath.






From what he was seeing, Dabi guessed that they were probably 100 miles or so from Musutafu. He watched as Toga slammed the car door close, bouncing exitedly on her feet.

"Lets go, crazy."Dabi urged.

He and Toga made their way off the side of the highway, jumping over the railings and into the woods. Twigs and dry leaves crunched under Dabi's boots, making it the only noise around the empty forest. In the distance, he could just make out a glowing blue dot. Shigaraki ha clearly said that there was always some kind of signal for the entrance to the market. As they walked on, a construction worker came into view.

"Sorry guys, this part of the forest is closed for working purposes."

Dabi ignored him completely and kept walking.

"I'm with Shigaraki, so shove off."

He could feel the so called 'constructer worker' stiffen behind him.

"Just tell me which stall xxx xxx xxx is at. Is the quirk drugs ready?"

The stranger hesitantly nodded then gestured them to follow him, handing them both a black cloak. Toga just smirked as she silently slinked behind them. Not long after entering the black market Dabi noticed something he had never seen before. All kinds of stuff were sold here. Mechanical limbs, exotic animals and other drugs and power ups. He lowered his hood a bit more. This place was darker than he thought.

After about 10 minutes they had finally reached the drug section. Two other people came out of a tent with a large shiny black suitcase. Dabi checked the case for the drugs, put the money on the table, and gave a curt nod before turning around and motioning Toga to come.

"So, did you find anything interesting? "Toga asked.

Dabi raised an eyebrow.

"Was I suppose to?"

Toga's laugh bought them a few stares but Dabi took no notice. His mind was only on the familiar golden eyes he caught glimpse of back at the drug stall.

~Hawks pov~

How long has it been since he last ate? A day? Maybe a week? Hawks shuddered slightly at the thought. Why couldn't he just die? He looked down at his bare legs, covered in dry blood and bruises. Then he looked up at the guards. Even if he managed to get out of this stupid bird cage, his broken arm was not helping. It still needed a few more days to heal. Hawks covered himself with his now inky-black wings. Just breathe, he told himself. All Hawks had to do was to calm down before he gets another panic attack. After a few more moments, Hawks slowly closed his eyes. Soon this'll be all over.


Hawks cracked one eye open. Some of the handlers were coming to his cell. This was not a good sign. He quickly shuffled to the end f the cell until his back hit the cold uneven wall. One of them unlocked the door and Hawks shrank away from the hostile hands. But it was no use. No matter how hard he struggled, these villains always had a way to get back at him. This time was no different. After seeing Hawks refusing to budge, one of the goons plucked a few feathers from his wings before retracting his hand. Shit.

There were no words that could describe the pain Hawks was going through right now. It felt like every muscle in his body was clawing at his skin, threatening to rip apart. Through tears of agony, Hawks could barely see one of the guards stomp repeatedly on some of his feathers, crushing the vein in the middle. He curled up in a ball and let out a little sob and bit down on his hand to stop himself from screaming. Hawks wasn't gonna give them the satisfaction.

Suddenly, something silver caught Hawks' eye. It was a blade. He instantly cocooned himself in his wings, but the guards laughed, and before long, he was covered in fresh cuts and scratched. They weren't too deep but it was enough to draw blood and reopen some of his old scars. Hawks flinched at every movement that was around him. Hopefully they accidentally kill him. That way, he could finally rest in peace.

This went on for another solid twenty minutes before the henchmen got bored and put him back into the cell. The brains behind all of this is a villain who goes by the name Giran. He was a C ranked villain that steadily made his way up the villains billboard the last two years, creating three new kinds of quirk drugs. The first type was used to give people a quirk if they were quirkless. The second one was to give them another quirk if they already had one. Lastly, a strength booster for the quirk users. That was basically all the information Hawks could gather while being tortured out of sanity.

He could feel blood slowly oozing out of the gashes, forming a crimson pool beneath him. Hawks' head pounded and he felt the word spin. His wings hung limply on his back, the joints popped out of their sockets. Hawks winced and stared across the cell blankly. This day was no difference. Nothing was going to happen, so why was there still hope in his mind? Why couldn't he just give up?

Suddenly, two strangers walked into the tent. Hawks watched as some of the henchmen grabbed a few briefcases from the storage containers at the back of the tent and put them on the table. Probably another client. The first stranger lifted up his hood briefly and gave a curt nod before grabbing the briefcases and leaving. Hawks' eyes widened. No. It couldn't be. All it took was just a few seconds for Hawks to notice those turquoise eyes hidden beneath the cloak. 

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