Drowning in despair

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I shall gift you ze next chapter I somehow pulled out of my brain.

School has started for meh, so updates might be slow but I'll try my best :)

~Dabi's pov~
When the sad truth finally hit him, it was a bit too late but at least Dabi now knew what the hell was actually going on in his life. For the first in years, Dabi felt useless. Maybe it was the fact that he had been too dumb to realise anything.

Glancing up at the so called Hawks, Dabi felt a shiver down his spine. For a second, his normally calm golden eyes flashed in the light, turning cat-like and dangerous. Dabi blinked, trying to get the scene out of his head. To think that he had been tricked by Toga, for such a long time. It was nearly night soon, so all he had to to do was keep up the innocent act until then.

Nightfall soon came, and Dabi watched as the L.O.V members slowly exited one by one to get some sleep, or to play video games until 2 in the morning.

Dabi casually walked to the staircase and started to decend. Trying to make minimal noise, he quickly moved down to the last flight of stairs, finally reaching his destination.

The old doorframe loomed over him in a threatening manner. Suddenly, Dabi felt an unnerving feeling overcome him. Truth is, he was scared. Who knew how Hawks would react to seeing him? he has already hurt him after their so called 'reunion', but Hawks had also given him so many chances. He had made up his mind, that if Keigo really wanted him out of his life, he would respect his decision and leave him alone.

A part of him knew that it wasn't gonna be that easy, but he couldn't afford to burst Hawks more. Because he had already broke him, nearly beyond repair. All he could hope for now was that someone else could get him out of this mess he had started.

Taking one last shuddering breath, Dabi took a tigger grip of the door handle and pushed the door open.

To say he was shocked at the sight would be an understatement.

Toga had really gone too far.

~Hawks pov~
He didn't know what to say, to think, or anything really. The nerves in his body had finally sent the message to his brain, and the pain was coming back. The nails that Toga had hammered into his flesh was burning, but if Hawks was lucky, the numbness would come back soon. Maybe he would even die of blood loss. Even better.

What did death feel like? Hawks always admired those people in the movies, keeping a brave face even after death. The truth though, was the opposite. At every court he'd been to, every time the prisoner had a death penalty he would watch them keep their facade on. Until the last minute. Sobbing, crying, even trying to run. Hawks has seen everything. There was no such thing as a heroic death. That was plain bullshit. So how did he want his death to go?

An aching feeling was starting to grow inside him, and Hawks doubted that he had much time left. His facade, which was already cracking, had been kept on for so long that even he didn't who he was anymore. Would anyone care that he died? Was anyone still trying to find him?

As the minutes passed by, Hawks was more and more anxious. Self-doubt and past memories started to pile up in his thoughts, making his mind a blurring mess.

Finally, his mask cracked. Hawks felt his breath quicken, and for a second, thought he saw something in the shadows. The room was suddenly too hot and Hawks has the urge to forcefully rip out the nails that was hammered into his flesh.

"Would you.....betray the league?"

Twice looked at him with hurt and disgust as he spat into Hawks's face.

"I would never do something as low as that. Even if I have to die."

Hawks took one last look at his 'friend's' face. If only he thought out his plan more. Then he wouldn't be in this situation. Maybe he could let Jin go. No one would notice. But one memory that was engraved in the back of his mind made him shudder in fear.

The hero commission.

No. He couldn't afford to be punished again. To be neglected, to be looked down on. Hawks's eyes hardened, and with all his power, he plunged the feather down, feeling Twice's struggle slowly fade into nothingness.

Wait what? Slowly, the realisation hit him as Hawks looked down, at his blood covered hands, then at Twice, drenched in blood. What has he done? Grief washed upon Hawks, then anger. This wasn't right. No. Twice is alive right? He has to be. But the bloodied feather in his grip said otherwise. Hawks has betrayed the league and killed Twice. And for the rest of his life, he has to live with the guilt.

"NO!" Hawks strained against the nails, drawing blood. The memory of his betrayal was far too vivid. There was nothing heroic about him. The title 'Hero' was given to people who deserved it. Like Miruko, or his idol, Endeavor. But it was too late for him. Because he had already failed.

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard outside the basement. His heart nearly skipped a beat, but after further inspection, it wasn't the normal rhythm. Quick, but determined. It couldn't be Toga, since she would be skipping, but it wouldn't be Kurogiri either. The footsteps were nervous, anxious and also a bit scared. No, it couldn't be. Abruptly, the door burst open and in came...Dabi?!

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