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Hey hey heyyyyy

I feel like I should try writing in 1st person more so Imma try with this chapter


Everything is blurry. I can feel some of my own flames still clinging onto my arms. I tried ok? I fucking tried. I know deep down that dad- no, Endeavor would never be satisfied. No matter what I did, nothing was enough. I was just lagging behind.

It was all his fault. Shoto. Why couldn't it of been me? He got the quirks, he got the attention, he got DAD's time. I use to be the center of attention. So why?

I know it's wrong, but can't I think for myself sometimes? I don't care if I had to endure the pain, all Endeavor had to do was give me even the slightest of attention. Then BAM.


No, I can't blame him. I'm spiraling again. This isn't good. My head is pounding like crazy as I keep running, putting one foot in front of the other. It had been too overwhelming. Everything was too loud. The sound of Shoto screaming, while mother grabbed the kettle and threw it at him. I can't bear it.

If I'm honest with myself, I really hate Shoto. He ruined my life. But another part of he loves him. He's my brother, and brothers care for each other, right? Right? Right?

But I can't. Maybe after I've made my mark on this word. I'll come back to save my little brother. If I left him, what kind of a brother would I be?! Endeavor was just too cruel. Someday, I will prove him that I'm better.

I feel the rain lash bitterly at my face, but I keep running. The moment I stepped out of the Todoroki house, I know there was no going back now. The wind is howling, and my head is still spinning, but I have to endure this. I don't know why, but I think someone's watching me. Well, I can't do anything about that now.






~5 years later~

Touya Todoroki

How many years has it been? I've lost count already. There is too much blood on my hand, and they weren't mine. It isn't my fault. It was a dog eat dog world. You either survive, or die. I don't know how old I was or where I am at this point. I'm having a migraine and my head is spinning, but there is no way I can stop.

The burns I had gotten were so bad that my skin turned purple. The skin was falling off, not that I could do anything about it. I'm running low on painkillers, and I can't really last even a day without them.

Someone had been watching me for a long time now, but I still haven't caught their face or anything. Well, maybe until now. I stop walking and spin around, hearing a sort of whirling of air behind me. All I see now is a swirling portal of purple mist before a pair of gloves hands grabbed me.






My head was spinning and stars were appearing in my vision, but as my vision cleared up, all I could see was pitch darkness. Then, footsteps...

"Ah, I see you're awake." Someone said from the shadows in front of me.

I squinted slightly, trying to make out a shape in front of me.

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