Chapter 12- Cara

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing beside me and I groan as I paw for it in my sheets. It was Ella. I glimpse at the time.

6:46 am

I answer quickly, its not like her to call randomly this early. "Hello?"

"Hey, um I'm sorry to call so early but I found my power!" She starts off shy but then her energy increases as she finishes off her sentence. Finding our powers is something insanely cool and of course she would want to call me right away and tell me. I would probably do the same.

"That's amazing! What is it?" I sit up and put the phone on speaker as I go to ross my hair up in a ponytail.

"Well I woke up and I had to pee and I was like half asleep and I was just playing around with my hand trying to figure out what I can possibly do and then all of the sudden I made the fosses run while it was off."

"Oh wow."

"So I then continued to experiment and I can move water!" She exclaimed. I giggled at her enthusiasm. It wasn't like Ella to show off her emotions usually. "I gotta call Parker! Call you later!" She clicked off and I stood up to go ahead and get ready for the day.

After getting ready I made my way downstairs finding my parents sitting in the kitchen. My parents worked a lot which made them get in the habit of being up at an early time.

"Morning darling." My mom said. I smiled and told her good morning.

"Cara, your aunt and uncle are coming into town and they will be staying with us." I quickly filled with excitement and then remembered my mermaid situation and filled with some anxiety as well. I love my aunt and uncle. They were really cool, laid back, open minded, and they both were really cute together. They both have such a deep passion for the ocean.

"Okay dad, when?" I asked.

"They will be arriving Monday." Two days from now. I will have to make this work. I will just need to be really careful.


I made my way to the beach and began to walk along the shore. The beach was always my favorite place to go and just relax. I guess it's quite fitting considering I'm now a mermaid. It's just a bummer that I have to  be more careful being close to the water.

"Cara!" I hear a familiar voice and turn to see Ben running toward me. I smile. Ben has always had a special place in my heart. As a friend... of course. His presence makes me happy.

"Hey, what's up?" I stop and smile.

"You heard about Ella's power?"

"Of course, she called me at the crack of dawn to tell me." I giggled and we then continued to walk by each other.

"You too?" He chuckled back.

We continued to walk and my face had to have suddenly shown the dread I felt because Ben made a face at me and then looked at what I was looking at.

Derek and Casey. They were walking hand in hand. Disgusting, They deserve each other though I guess. Once Derek noticed us he released Casey's hand which made her look annoyed.

"Hey guys." Derek said once we were next in front of each other. Hey guys? Really?

"Hey" Ben said back. Ugh, boys.

"Have you uh talked to Ella?" Derek asks us. Wow, he has some nerve. Casey scoffed and then grabbed his hand and pulled him away quickly. Ben and I looked at each other, he shrugged and I rolled my eyes and then we continued to walk.

"My aunt and uncle are coming to town." I told Ben.

"How do you feel about that?"

"I feel okay about it, I love them. I'm just nervous because that's even more people I'm close to that I have to try to keep this secret from." I hated keeping secrets. I really never had any secrets anyway. I'm also a terrible liar.


Ben and I made it to the café and walked in and saw Parker who was sitting by Trish, looking at a laptop, giggling.

"Hey guys." Ben says as we sit down. Parker and Trish look up still smiling from whatever they were giggling about before.

Trish glances at the laptop and her smile vanished. "Is that the time?" She exclaims and starts to pack up her laptop. "Sorry guys I got to go." She smiles quickly and walks off. Parker stares at Trish until she's out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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