Chapter 10- Ella

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Today is Monday. My first day going to school as a mermaid. I'm beyond terrified. Fortunately, half my classes I have Cara there and Ben in one too. Unfortunately, I have two classes with Derek. I hope today just goes by quickly and smoothly.

I got out of bed and opened my curtain to let my room suck up the sunlight. I put my hair up and go brush my teeth. I share a bathroom with my little brother who likes to hog it most mornings but thankfully I got up a little earlier than he did.

Once I'm back in my room I sit on my bed and take a few deep breaths. I like to do this often to try to center myself and not get overwhelmed with what may be in front of me in the future. My room was my safe space. My walls were a pale pink and all of my furniture is white. I keep some plants by my window so I have something to nurture and put my time into. Plants are very therapeutic for me.

I feel like I have a hard time socially because I have so many deep thoughts. So many perspectives on things. I feel what other people may be feeling. For example, if someone does something to me, something that may make me angry, I naturally also try to see things from their perspective. I feel it's more of a curse than a blessing. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm feeling.

I open my closet door and pull out a casual light blue cotton dress and white flats. I let my hair flow down my shoulders and pull back some front pieces with a barrette. I grab my over the shoulder bag and make my way out of my room.

I pass my brother in the hallway. He was all grumpy as usual and acted like I was invisible. I got to the kitchen to see what I could take to go with me to munch on. My mom was sitting at our small dining table on her phone, as usual.

"Morning darling." She says to me without even looking away from her phone screen. My mom was always on her phone for work purposes. She is a single mother, trying her hardest to support us so I try to remain understanding but it is also sad that she can barely spend time with her children during the most crucial years of their lives.

"Morning mom." I reply as I dig through the pantry. I find a granola bar and slip it in my bag. "Bye mom." I quickly say right after our morning greeting. She says goodbye back and I'm out the door.


"Ella!" I hear at a distance behind me. I turn and see Cara running up to me. She finally catches up and puts her hands on her knees while trying to catch her breath. I try not to giggle.

"Is something wrong?" I finally ask.

"I- found- my- power." She says in between breaths. "Come on." She finally stand up and pulls me. As I'm being dragged, We pass Parker and Ben. I mouth 'help' and they automatically follow us.

We made our way into the chemistry classroom and shut the door while making sure no one was inside the room and no one was following us. Cara quickly pulls out a beaker and fills it with water. She throws up her hand and quickly, the water freezes causing the glass to whine and probably almost combust.

"How'd you find it?" Ben says while observing the beaker. So Parker has a power. Cara has a power. I'm probably next.

"I'm not sure, I was getting ready this morning and while getting ready in the mirror, my faucet sprayed toward me, I panicked and then, bam! It became frozen. We all remain amazed by the beaker before us.

"That's so cool." I mutter. I feel like Parker and Cara deserve their powers. Maybe I don't even have one. They're like fire and ice. I'm the third mermaid, what could I possibly be? I probably don't even deserve one.

We finally make our way to home room which thankfully I shared with Cara.

As the day went on, it actually was going very smoothly. I even forgot about the mermaid thing for awhile. But then fifth period, marine biology came. Which I shared with Ben and Derek.

Usually I would sit by Derek but obviously that's not happening today. I walk into the classroom to see a Derek sitting in his usual seat. It was as if he was waiting for me because he was staring as soon as I walked in. I quickly looked at the floor and then back up beginning to panic. I look over the the far left of the classroom and see Ben... but he was already sitting with a partner. I started glimpsing around and everyone had a partner. Except Derek.

I slowly made my way to my usual station where I sat with Derek. This is going to be a long period.

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