Chapter 4- Parker

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We drove around for a good hour and no sign of two girls and a guy in a boat.

"Where are we going? Were going too far out." I said. I've never been a fan of boats, I'm more used to them since we moved here when I was 10 but they still make me slightly nervous.

"We are fine. Keep an eye out." My brother said still looking and focused with his hands on the wheel.

My brother has always been very controlling and very determined to gets what he wants. His girlfriend seems to be the opposite and actually has morals so I don't know why she would be dating him.

"There!" My brother pointed. I looked and saw a small blue boat on the coast of Mako.

"How do we know that's them? And why would they be at Mako?"

"Do you see anyone else out here? And plus Ella was with Cara earlier and Cara is best friends with Ben and that's his boat. It's only logical." He explained and I didn't say anything in return.

He sped up quickly towards the island.

When we made it to shore there was no sign of anyone. I followed my brother as we walked around the island. There were many rumors about the island but I didn't believe any of them. They all seemed stupid and seemed to be able to have possible explanations.

"Ella!" I heard my brother yell.  I looked at the direction he was looking and saw Ella, Cara, and Ben.

"Derek? What are you-" Ella started and then Derek grabbed her arm.

"We're going now." He said and pulled her.

"Derek! Let go of me!" Ella whined loudly.

"Let go of her!" I yelled after a few seconds of not knowing what to do. I can't believe my brother just grabbed a girl like that. A girl that wasn't me. I'm his sister so it's kind of understandable but his girlfriend? That wasn't going to fly with me.

"Let go!" I went up to him and finally slapped him which made him let go.

"You're pathetic." Cara spat out with disgust towards my brother.

"Get out of here." Ben stepped up in front of him.

"You can stay here with these losers. You'll fit right in." Derek looked at me disgustingly and turned away.

"Derek. We ran out of fuel. We're stuck here." Ella said shyly and sadly looking down.

"Not my problem." Derek said and left.

"Why are you with that jerk?" Cara asked Ella. "No offense." She looked at me.

"Oh it's fine, I have worse words to describe him." I give a sarcastic smile. Ella continued to look at the ground and shrugged.

"Come on. We need to find signal or something." Ben said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

Cara looked at her phone. "It's 2:30."

"What are we going to do?" Ella asked.

"We may have to camp here." Ben said. "I have a tent in my boat and I caught some fish to eat.

"I have a lighter." I said feeling useful for once.

"Why do you have a lighter? Do you smoke?" Cara asked.

"Oh, no. I just like playing with fire." I smiled. They all looked at me with slight concern.

"Camp out? Here? After all those things you said about Mako Island?" Ella asked sounding horrified.

"As if any of those rumors are true." I scoffed.

Cara and Ben looked at me intensely.

"My grandpa told me stories about this place. There's unexplainable things that have happened here. He has witnessed things himself."

"Isn't your grandpa like insane?" Cara asked carelessly,

"No. I don't believe he is. I just think people think his stories-"

"That's what they are. Stories. Fiction stories." I snapped.

Ben rolled his eyes and started to walk. "Let's go."

Soon it became dark but we had the tent  set up and managed to get a fire going.

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