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"Ok, I know you said you guys didn't want to go public yet, but I was thinking of having a sleepover during the break and I want you to invite your girlfriend," Mina said. "It's just going to be the Bakusquad there," she continued.

It had been about a month since Kaminari had started this little charade with his friends and he had been thinking of coming clean soon and what better way than at a sleepover? "Sure, I'll see what T says," Kaminari said.

"Wait really?" Mina asked excitedly.

"Ya, we had been talking about going public soon anyway."

"Awesome! I'll text you the rest of the details later, I need to invite Shinso then we can go to class!"

Mina ran off to their insomniac friend way too hyper for it only being 7:30 am.


"So she wants you to invite your 'girlfriend' to this sleepover?" Shinso asked that night over facetime. Yes their rooms were right beside each other, but they didn't want to risk anyone seeing them in the other room alone, it would raise suspicion.

"Yep!" Kaminari said. "I was thinking of telling them soon if it was ok with you so I agreed that I would talk to you about it," Kaminari explained.

"I'm down, especially if it means that girls will stop hitting on me," Shinso said with a small laugh.

"Girls are hitting on you?" Kaminari asked, he hadn't seen anyone hitting on Shinso. The thought made his blood boil.

"Don't be jealous love, I tell them I'm not interested, and it doesn't happen all that often anyway," Shinso reassured him.

"That doesn't stop the fact that I don't like it," Kaminari muttered. "Anyways, are you in?" Kaminari asked

"Sure, why not," Shinso said. "Is it going to be like the last sleepover we had with them?" Shinso asked remembering the events of the last sleepover they had as a group.

"If we don't get Bakubro mad I think we're fine," Kaminari said.

"He nearly burnt down the dorms," Shinso deadpanned. "And it's hard to not get him mad."

"Fair enough, but I think we should be fine," Kaminari said.

Shinso rolled his eyes, "if you say so." Shinso looked at the clock beside his bed. "We should probably go to sleep, it's almost midnight and we still have school," Shinso said.

Kaminari sighed. "Ok," he said a little sad, "see you in the morning Toshi, love you," Kaminari said.

"Love you too Denki, talk to you tomorrow," Shinso said.

They ended the call and attempted to fall asleep. It was harder than it should have been. Kaminari began to wonder how his friends would react to him dating Shinso.

He had figured out they were perfectly fine with LGBTQ+ people so that was great, but how would they react to him being bi and dating Shinso?

He decided to face the problem if it came up and tried to get to sleep.


Kaminari was packed and ready to go to Mina's sleepover, well almost ready. Shinso and he had decided that they would go together, so he had to go to Shinso's house to pick him up. (They all went home for the break)

"You ready?" Kaminari asked when Shinso opened the door.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Shinso sighed. He put his overnight bag over his shoulder and they headed to Mina's house. "How are we going to do this?" he asked as they got closer.

"I honestly have no idea," Kaminari said. He had been trying to figure that out since Shinso agreed to go with him. All he had come up with was just letting them try to figure it out on their own.

They walked up to the front door and Kaminari's anxiety began to grow. He kept telling himself they wouldn't care but that didn't mean his mind didn't keep telling him they would hate him.

Kaminari took a breath before knocking on the door. It opened a moment later with Mina standing in the doorway.

"Hey Kami! Hey Shinso!" She said. She looked around a little, "Kam's where's your girlfriend?" Mina asked. "Did she change her mind about coming?"

They stepped inside closing the door behind them and he saw all his friends in the living room. "Ya Kami? Where's your girlfriend?" Kirishima asked, confused.

"Well umm," Kaminari didn't quite know what to say. "T is here," he said. He took Shinso's hand partly to help show who he was talking about and partly because he was panicking a little.

"What do you mean?" Kirishima asked.

"I am so confused," Sero said looking between the two.

"He's gay dumbass," Bakugo said from the couch.

Mina squealed a little. "Oh my god, Kami, why didn't you tell us we thought you liked girls," she was extremely excited about this new revelation.

"I didn't," Bakugo muttered. It was clear that Bakugo knew about their little secret early on.

"Well I do, but I also like boys," Kaminari said ignoring Bakugo.

"Why didn't you tell us you were dating?" Kirishima asked.

"Denki wanted to mess with you guys," Shinso said with a shrug. "It was funny."

"You guys are mean," Mina said punching Kaminari lightly on his shoulder. "I thought you were dating a girl at school, I even start to ask around to see if people knew anything!" She said throwing her hands up in frustration.

Kaminari just laughed. "The looks on your faces we're priceless though," he said. They settled around the living room.

"Wait so what was T even short for?" Sero asked.

"Toshi," Kaminari said. "It's a nickname."

"I guess that makes sense," he muttered.

The rest of the night was fun, of course, Mina had bombarded them with questions and didn't quite accept their apologies for tricking them.

In the end, though, Kaminari and Shinso were just happy they could be open and they didn't have to hide anymore. It was refreshing.

(And that's it! That is unless you guys want more then I can try and continue it but I don't know because I have like 10 other stories on the go😅 but ya I hope you all liked it!)

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