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"I don't see why I need to come with you," Shinso said with a sigh as his boyfriend pushed him out the dorm doors.

"Because," he said taking Shinso's hand and pulling him along. "I'm going to talk with Aki and I want to make sure you know what's going on and are ok with it."

Shinso sighed again, following his boyfriend. "I told you, you didn't have to break things off, it's just going to be harder for you both in the end if you do."

Kaminari stopped walking and took Shinso's face in his hands, making the taller teen look him in the eyes. "Hitoshi, I love you, and I know you just don't want to be the cause of any trouble, and you're not going to be, I'm doing this for me, because I want to make sure I'm doing things right so I don't mess things up for us by accident, ok?"

Shinso pulled his face away from Kaminari's hands and looked to the side, not sure what to say. "Yeah ok," he muttered. To Shinso it sounded like he wasn't just doing it for himself, but he wasn't in the mood to argue. "You're too cute when you get all serious." The added comment made Kaminari's cheeks tint a light pink.

Kaminari laughed quietly, leaning up and kissing his cheek. "And you're cute when you get shy." Shinso's cheeks tinted pink as well. "We should keep going, don't want to keep Aki waiting."

Shinso nodded, letting Kaminari take his hand again and lead the way to the small coffee shop they had planned to meet up at.

Though Shinso still didn't understand why he needed to be in on the conversation, he saw how determined his boyfriend was and wanted to make him happy.

"Denks over here," Aki waved the two over to a table in the corner of the room. Shinso noted how attractive Aki was and grew slightly self-conscious. He didn't see himself as an overly attentive person, he would even go as far as to say he was below average, so seeing Aki, the person Kaminari was pretending to date, made him very aware that Kaminari probably would have hit on them if he weren't in a relationship and Aki wasn't aro/ace.

Aki smiled up at Shinso and put out a hand to shake his. "You must be Shinso, Denki's told me a lot about you."

Shinso took their hand and shook it before they sat down. "Can't say I've heard a whole lot about you." Kaminari had said a few things here and there and, and though Shinso had tried to hide it, the blond had noticed how Shinso would become uncomfortable and tried to steer clear of the topic.

They all sat around the table and ordered a drink each.

"So about telling our parents..." Kaminari started, holding his drink on the table with two hands as he stared down at it.

Shinso noticed his boyfriend's nerves starting to spike and put a hand on his knee under the table in an attempt to help. He rubbed small circles over his knee, giving it a soft squeeze before continuing the circles.

Aki sighed. "I'll just come out and say it, I don't care what my parents think," they started to say. "And worst comes to worst I have a friend to stay with after the fact."

"If it's going to be trouble you guys don't have to tell your parents," Shinso told them.

Aki shook their head. "They're going to force us to move pretty fast, if they weren't doing that then it would be different, but my parents are more controlling now than they were before this. I'd rather get out now before it goes too far."

Kaminari nodded his head. "Same, and I'm sure it would be worse if I wasn't in the dorms. I thought this would get them off our backs but it didn't."

Shinso nodded slowly. "I think I understand. So how do you guys plan on telling them?"

"Well I was hoping you would be there, my parents won't believe I'm dating someone else if you aren't there," Kaminari told him. "And I think we're going to go out for lunch with them, somewhere public so they can't yell too much."

Considering Kaminari was expecting yelling didn't make Shinso feel better. He didn't want his boyfriend to be yelled at by his parents, or Alk's. But he guessed being there made him feel better because he'd be able to help if things got out of hand.

"And I think we're just going to come out and say it, rip off the bandaid," Aki added. "Then Denki's all yours." They lent forward over the table in a teasing manner. "Don't have to share anymore."

Kaminari laughed while Shinso blushes lightly.

The blond hummed softly, leaning into Shinso's side a little. "Yeah I don't think Toshi liked sharing me," he said with a soft grin as he looked up at his boyfriend. "He gets all jealous." The blond bopped Shinso's nose him jerk back slightly, having not been ready for the sudden tap on his nose.

"I don't get jealous," Shinso muttered, but he knew it was a lie. It was an ugly emotion and he didn't like feeling jealous, especially over something that he didn't think he should be jealous over.

Kaminari just laughed again. "Sure you don't."

Aki smiled softly at them. They wished they could fall in love but they had never felt anything like that. Aki was fine with that though. They were comfortable with their identity and could focus on other things.

"I really hope this didn't mess anything up for you at any point, you two are just too cute together," Aki told them.

Kaminari smiled at them. "Nah, Toshi was understanding, our friends on the other hand were a little confused when we bumped into each other that one time at the mall. They interrogated me for over an hour thinking I was cheating."

Aki laughed. "I would have loved to see that."

They all laughed and continued talking. It was fun for all of them, even if they had to talk more about how they would tell their parents about the whole scheme they had pulled.

Both boys could say they came away from that conversation with the best results and though Kaminari was a little scared about how their parents would react, Shinso was there to calm him.

Soon he would finally be able to be himself around his parents and maybe, if all goes well, be able to introduce Shinso as his boyfriend soon.

(So it's been a while, sorry everyone. I had major writer's block for this and since it was more of a filler than a plot it was difficult to get it over my 1000 word minimum cut off. Anyway thanks for reading!)

(posted May 15, 2021)

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