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Kaminari woke up to his phone buzzing. It was the weekend so in his drowsy state, he had no idea why his phone would be making such an obnoxious noise at 8 in the morning.

He squinted at the screen and sighed. His parents, great...

"Hello?" He said trying to sound awake.

"Hello Denki, sweetie," his mom's voice rang over the phone. "We wanted to set up a lunch with you today, we never get to see you now that you're in the dorms."

"A lunch," Kaminari's brain processed slowly.

"Yes," his mom said cheerily.

Kaminari blinked a few times, still waking up. "Ok, Uhh, where do you want to meet up?" He asked. It was strange for his parents to want to spend time with him out of the blue like this.

"Do you remember that little cafe we used to go to as a family all the time? The one with those croissants you always liked, what's the name...?" Kaminari heard his dad say something before his mom started speaking again. "Yes, 'The Coffee Club' that's the one."

"Ya, I think I know where that is," Kaminari said swinging his legs over the bed and rubbing his eyes. Why now of all times were his parents trying to meet up with him? "Why are we meeting there?" Kaminari asked.

"Let's say... 12:30, you don't have anything else planned today, do you, sweetie?" His mom's voice was a sickening sweet happy tone that Kaminari always thought would make him sick but has yet to do that.

"Ok, sure, 12:30."

"Good, we'll see you there, and wear something nice, I don't want to be seen out with a slob for a son."

"Yes mother," Kaminari said annoyed. His mom always called his style 'slobby' it doesn't matter what it did it was never good enough.

"Good, and that means you can't wear any of those sweaters you for some godforsaken reason like."

"Yes mother," he said again.

"We'll see you later today, love you Denki," his mom said.

"Ya, love you too," he said with a roll of his eyes.

He hung up and flopped back down on his bed, he did not have to energy to do this today.

Sitting back up he headed down to the common room, still in his PJ's. He was wearing a black shirt that said "thunderbolt" with little lightning strikes around it and some plain sleep shorts.

He saw his friends in the common room and went to join them. "You guys are up early," he said with a yawn as he joined Mina and Kirishima.

"Could say the same to you," Mina chuckled, much more awake than her blond friend.

It was the weekend so most were sleeping in. The common room was ghostly quiet and it made Kaminari shiver. If he learned anything from being with 1-A it was that quiet was rare and usually meant something bad.

"My parents called and woke me up," he grumbled.

Mina and Kirishima shared a look, silently asking each other the same thing. "Do you... not like your parents?" Mina asked.

"It's not that I don't like them, they're my parents, it's just they are controlling and probably the most homophobic people I know."

His friends winced.

They looked over to where they heard someone else coming down the stairs. Shinso, his messy hair and all, came around the corner. He was wearing a sweater and sweatpants, his hands shoved in his front pockets.

Kaminari's Secret "Girlfriend"Where stories live. Discover now