100 followers special

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(This does not follow the story! I repeat this does not follow the story! This is a special I'm doing for getting 100 followers and this has nothing to do with the storyline I was just having fun! Also, this was inspired by a TikTok I saw this morning but I lost the link. I'm sorry!)

Ahh yes, April 1st, in Kaminari's mind one of the best days of the year. Kaminari loved prancing his friends, even if some of his jokes fly over their heads and aren't funny.

Today though, Kaminari had one particular person he wanted to pull an April fools joke on.

He smiles at himself as he set up the prank. It was probably way too elaborate to work but he didn't care, it would be funny.

Kaminari texted the purple-haired teen trying to coax him out of his room. He couldn't help his giggling as he waited for his elaborate contraption to be set off.

The doorknob turned and it set off the trap. Strings were pulled and one of those rubber arm things with whipped cream on it spun.

Now, Kaminari did not account for the fact that the whipped cream might fly off the hand as it spun and little to his knowledge stood in its path.

When Shinso stepped out of his room, unaware of what had happened, Kaminari stood there, phone in hand, a dumbfounded look on his face as whipped cream dripped down onto the floor.

Confused, Shinso asked, "umm are you ok?"

A drop of whipped cream plopped off Kaminari's nose and he burst out laughing. "I just- I was trying to- oh my god that failed," his words were interrupted by laughs as he whipped his face. "Oh, God that backfired." He laughed more, leaving Shinso as confused as ever.

The two boys couldn't exactly be considered friends, but they interacted enough that they weren't just acquaintances. Kaminari often tried to hang out with Shinso but the sleep-deprived boy was usually busy trying to study or train. He needed to work harder than the others after being moved to class A.

Shinso was still very confused as he looked down the halls to see if there was anyone who could explain this. He saw the elaborate contraption. No wonder it didn't work, it would have been much easier to just spray it in his hand and then slap Shinso with it.

"I- I was trying to prank you," Kaminari said still giggling.

"Why?" That was all Shinso asked.

Kaminari smiled brightly. "Because it's April 1st!"

Shinso was still confused. What's so special about April 1st? "Ok, so?" He asked.

Kaminari smiled brightly. "So... it's April fools day!" He exclaimed. "You get to prank your friends and family!"

"I don't get how that could be fun."

Kaminari just smiled. He whipped some of the whipped cream off his face and smeared it on Shinso's, giggling madly. Shinso whipped his face and looked at Kaminari unimpressed. "Ok, ok, you don't like the whipped cream," Kaminari said with a smile still on his face. "Hey Shinso, guess what?" He asked when he came up with another joke, though it didn't even cross his mind that it could do more harm than good.

"What?" Shinso asked tiredly, still trying to get all the whipped cream off his face.

"I don't like you, at all, you'll never be a hero." Shinso froze. If it weren't for the bright smile on Kaminari's face accompanied by his laughing Shinso would have easily believed him. "Just kidding, April fools!"

"Kaminari, that's not funny," he said about to go back in his room.

Still giggling Kaminari grabbed Shinso's arm to stop him from leaving and continued. "A-and hey Shinso, guess what?" He asked.

Shinso sighed, still not sure how the last joke was funny. "What?" He asked, annoyed.

"I totally don't have a crush on you."

Shinso's face went from annoyance to confusion in record-breaking time. "What?"

"April fools!" Kaminari exclaimed happily, completely unaware of what he had just confessed to.

"Wait, so you do have a crush on me?" Shinso was a mix of shock, confusion and happiness.

Kaminari's face fell and his eyes widened, only now realizing what had come out of his mouth. "Wait..." his brain hadn't caught up to his mouth and if Shinso hadn't have pointed it out he would never have realized what he said.

"You just said you didn't have a crush on me then said April fools." Shinso was also trying to process this information.

"I- Uhh," he let out a nervous laugh. "I- April fools?"

Shinso wasn't sure if there were rules on this but he was pretty sure you weren't supposed to "April fools" an "April fools"

Kaminari's cheeks were pink as he nervously brought his eyes up to Shinso. "Totally a joke, 100% a joke, What are you talking about, me having a crush, and on you! You're a guy! I'm a guy! That's weird, you would never like me anyway and you're like way out of my league and- and now I'm rambling so I'm going to stop." Kaminari clamped his mouth shut at looked at the ground, playing with his hands and waiting for Shinso to say something.

"You... have a crush on me," was all Shinso could get out. He knew lying, and Kaminari was definitely lying about NOT having a crush on him.

"I- I- umm... this is weird, I'm just gonna go and-"

"Wait no." Now it was Shinso's turn to stop Kaminari from walking away. "I-umm, it's not weird." Shinso had never been good with feelings, especially his feelings towards others. "I Uhh... like you too?" He said though it sounded a lot more like a question.

Kaminari looked up at Shinso and for a moment just stared at him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Ohh," was all he could get out. Then he started laughing and for one horrifying moment, Shinso thought this was another one of his pranks. "Y-you got some-" his words were cut off by a laugh as he reached up and whipped a bit of excess whipped cream off Shinso's face.

Kaminari did not doubt that he still had whipped cream on his face but he didn't care.

Shinso couldn't help the laugh that passed his lips. "You're one to talk, you still got whipped cream all over your face," Shinso told him.

Kaminari whipped his face and sure enough, there was still whipped cream. He laughed. "Well Uhh, how about we clean up and go on a date?" Kaminari asked a little shy.

"Ya, that would be nice."

And that's the story of how Kaminari and Shinso started dating on April 1st. This was one story they wouldn't be forgetting for a long time.

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