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"Please don't sneak into my room at night," Shinso told Kaminari as they walked to the dorms after class. The rest of their classmates were either far ahead of them or far behind so they didn't worry about anyone hearing. "I need my sleep."

"I'm not making any promises," Kamianri said with a smile.

The Bakusquad helped Shinso move his stuff to the 1-a dorms and up to his room, he was indeed beside Kaminari's room making the blond smile.

Shinso had shooed them away so he could set up and they decided to just meet him in the common room when he was finished.

"So..." Mina started. "Any updates on this mystery girlfriend of yours? When can we meet her?"

Kaminari rolled his eyes at his friend. He did wonder how long he was going to keep up this game. "Don't know, we're still trying to figure that out."

"I'm starting to think you're just playing us and this girl is fake," Sero said.

"I'd have to agree, can we at least see a picture of her?" Kirishima asked.

Kaminari sighed. "T is very real, and no, the whole point of a secret relationship is that no one knows who she is. I'll talk to her again, but it might be a while."

Mina put her head back in frustration. "Can we try guessing?" Mina asked. "If we get it right you have to tell us."

Kaminari didn't see the harm in having them guess, it's not like they would guess Shinso anyway. "Sure why not."

"What really?" Mina asked happily.

"Sure," Kaminari said again.

"So who do we know that has a name that starts with t?" Kirishima asked.

"Well there's Tsu, but I don't think he could ever land a date with her, no offence," Sero said

"None taken."

"What about Pony Tsunotori or Setsuna Tokage from class 1-b?" Mina asked.

"Isn't Pony that exchange student?" Kirishima asked.

"Ya, I think," Sero said. "Is it one of them?"

"No, T's not in class 1-b," Kaminari said. He was trying his best to hide the small smirk that was forming on his lips.

"Ok, who do we know in the other classes?" Sero asked.

"Do you nerds (it took me 4 comments to realize I spelt nerds wrong... dyslexia at it's finest folks) really think he would let you guess if you knew the person?" Bakugo asked.

They looked between each other and then at Kaminari. "Do we know her?" They asked.

"Know who?" Shinso asked, coming up to the group. He hadn't had much to unpack so it was quick.

"Kami's girlfriend," Mina and Kirishima said at the same time. "We're trying to guess who she is," Mina said.

"And they're failing," Bakugo muttered. He gave Kaminari and Shinso a look that seemed to say 'I know your secret' but then looked back down at his phone, seemingly uninterested in the conversation.

"So we're talking about the mystery girl again," Shinso said cocking an eyebrow and disregarding the look Bakugo had given them.

"They've been going off the fact that I call her T. They're trying to think of all the girls that we know with a name that starts with T," Kaminari said.

"Have you thought that maybe the name doesn't start with T?" Shinso asked, gaining a small discreet glare from his boyfriend telling him to be careful with what he said next.

"What do you mean?" Kirishima asked.

"Maybe it's the start of a nickname and not their actual name," he said. Kaminari saw the gears turning in his friends' heads as they thought.

Mina let out a strangled groan. "That just makes it so much harder," she said annoyed. "Can you just use your quirk on him to get him to tell us who she is?" She asked Shinso.

"As curious as I am about who this mystery girlfriend is, I'm not going to do that," Shinso said. Other than the fact that it would give away their secret Shinso didn't want to use his quirk on his boyfriend, especially without permission.

"At least someone respects that T and I don't want to go public yet," Kaminari muttered, crossing his arms and leaning back onto the couch.

"We just want to know who she is, it's not like we'll make a big deal of it," Mina said.

Kaminari looked at her in disbelief, "right, because you haven't already done that."

Mina huffed "whatever."

They continued talking, not really caring that they had a test the next day.

Kaminari's Secret "Girlfriend"Where stories live. Discover now