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Warning: Swearing


The trio all turned their heads towards the loud bangs. A van was driving at full speed towards them. A man was popping out off the top of the van, an AKM gun in hand, shooting like crazy.

"Oh my god" Doc started, pushing past the teens to get a better look, "They found me. I don't know how, but they found me. RUN FOR IT, KIDS !"

"Who ? Who !?" Marty asked. Chris just stared at the van in shock. What the hell was going on ?

"Who do you think !? The Libyans !" Doc shouted, like it was obvious. Chris was frozen. She stood with wide eyes, as she stared at the angry men.

"Holy shit !" Marty shouted, pulling Chris down, so they wouldn't get shot. They were hiding behind the DeLorean, free from the gun's aim. Doc was in a different situation though. He was out in the open, almost getting shot multiple times. It was a miracle that the bullets missed him.

"I'll draw their fire !" Doc shouted at the teens, as he went over to his toolbox, and picked up a handgun. Setting his aim on the van, he tried to shoot, but the little, crappy gun malfunctioned. Typical. Doc made his way to the other end of his truck, but was stopped by the shouting men. Standing in the headlights of the van, Doc raised his arms in surrender, and threw his gun to the ground.

Without a second thought, the AKM man shot the scientist multiple times in the chest. He immediately fell to the cold ground, his body not moving.

Chris froze up. It was like time stood still. Her eyes became teary, as she just stared at the lifeless body, of the man she thought of as a member of her family. And now... He was just... gone

"NO ! Bastards !" Marty shouted getting up from his hiding place, but immediately regretted his choice, when the gun was pointed at him. He looked over to see Chris having a breakdown. Tears ran down her face as she just stared out into nothing. He ran over, grabbed onto her arm, and ran her over behind Emmett's truck. The bullets were firing away, and just before Chris was safely behind the big truck, a bullet cut her arm. She screamed in pain, as she was tugged by Marty, over to the other side of the truck. Luck wasn't on their side, as the van pulled up Infront of them. The headlights were blinding the two defenseless teens, as the man aimed his AKM at them. The teens closed their eyes. That was it. They were going to die right then and there.

But nothing happened

They looked up to see the guy had pulled the trigger but was out of ammo. That was their chance ! They ran over to the Time machine, Marty took the driver's seat, and Chris took the passengers. The boy looked back at his old friend. Sorrow was shown on his face.

"Go, Marty. GO !!" Chris shouted, as Marty slammed the door shut, and stepped on the gas. The van was on their tail, as they sped around the parking lot. The Libyans kept on shooting, and even got a few hits on the DeLorean.

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