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Jace did not fully become aware of himself for a while, and he doubted that he could even if he had tried. However, once he managed to breathe and calm himself, he realized quite quickly that Alec was actively shielding him, not just holding him as he had previously thought, and he sprung up in a moment. There was certain things that happened in regards to Alec, and when someone worked with him long enough they got to  knowing instantly that any instance where Alec felt it necessary to shield his team from something meant something bad. Upon jolting upwards, it was only then that he realized where they were, and who was with them. 

Icy eyes took in the scene around them. Two swords and two bows, which had been aimed at them, slowly lowered themselves, but only about an inch. It was obvious that they had been raised, but then lowered again once realizing that Alec and him were Nephilim. Foolish. Nonetheless, he could not help his emotions at the moment, even worse than usual, and Jace felt a fierce fire hit his veins, and he tamped it down, but did not resist the urge to grab Alec by the arm and shove him behind him, keeping a hand tightened around the other's arm,  not willing, and to some extent not even able, to let go of his Parabatai while they were once again in danger. Control yourself, Jace, it is okay...the words were whispered in his ear, and Jace took a deep breath, calming himself thanking himself for Alec's presence in whatever this was. If he had not been here...Jace did not know...He did not want to know, he would still be in Valentine's control at the least.

Once he calmed, he took in the scene more critically. There was obviously a battle which had so soon before occurred considering the swords were still bloodied at the edges, more than that, Nephilim rarely left the Institute unless there was a demon about, and though Jace may not know the nuances, it was obvious that these people were fitted for battle, strange as some of their dress code may have been. Jace's crystalline eyes swept over each person, instantly assessing them based on threats. 

"Jace," Alec spoke softly. Jace shook his head, keeping Alec firmly behind him with a slightly tighter grip on his arm, continuing to assess everything around them. Jace took in their angelic runes, but after spending months with his father that did nothing to comfort him whatsoever. His eyes scanned the battlefield that lay not to far to their right. Jace swallowed tightly, backing up instantly when one of the dark haired boys tried to move closer after putting their weapons down. "Jace, it is okay," Jace narrowed his eyes jerking his head to the side a bit, not listening to Alec, and forcing him to stay behind him, acting as a shield instead of Alec doing the same for him. 

Jace growled lowly the moment one of the sword bearing boys came towards them. His body lowering slightly, eyes darkening dangerously, body coiled to pounce should the second call for it. Alec tried, once more, in vain to call him back, but seeing Jace ready to jump forwards, Alec called out, somewhat without thinking.

"Jonathon stop!" Jace instantly froze, stopping immediately right as he was about to attack the boys, the four boys staring at them with wide eyes having fallen back into defensive positions. Typically, such a thing would not affect Jace too much, but having been at his father's mercy for months had changed him quite a bit, and Alec knew...he knew what using his full name meant, but just as Jace grit his teeth against the command, he also found himself spiraling just as quickly.

Seeing that Jace was unlikely to attack anymore, Alec moved forwards and in front of him again. Jace could see Alec's face come into view, and Jace glared at him, betrayed. Alec put trembling hands on his brother's shoulders, giving him a calm look. 

"They are our friends, okay?" He said gently.

It reminded Jace of when he had just barely been introduced to the Lightwoods. When he and Alec had first become friends, and Jace had gone into a fury the moment that someone had laid hands on Alec. They had almost had to sedate him, but Alec had somehow managed to calm him down, and with that memory flashing through his mind, Jace's own rationale returned to him. Still, he did not manage to quite tamp down the urge to pull Alec behind him, once more shielding Alec from the others, noticing randomly that they had put their weapons down.

"It is okay," Alec said softly, and Jace finally realized what he meant. None of them had a circle tattoo. None of them...and there was no way that Valentine could follow him without coming himself. Furthermore, none of the Shadowhunters with Valentine had been his age. 

Jace swallowed, taking deep breaths, straightened himself, and turned his eyes over once more looking at the others. He still grabbed Alec, still moved him behind him, and still refused to let them closer, moving back sharply the moment one of them tried to come within five feet of him.

"Jace," Alec tried. "Jace, let me go." Alec said gently. "It is okay," Jace's fingers were pried by Alec away from his arm, and Jace's eyes went frantic, trying to grab at his Parabatai as he moved in front of him, but Alec turned and glared at him sharply, instantly causing Jace to snap backwards, hands at his sides. 

"Are you two okay?" One of the boys, asked. The one who did was sandy haired, and seemed somewhat frail, but Alec did not mind that.

"We..." Alec paused wondering what to say. They had appeared in a flash just after a battle and these four boys had seen Jace almost attack them unprovoked and while Alec knew that his father's teachings were reaching an all time raw level, which was the only reason Alec's use of his full name worked, these people only saw Shadow hunter runes and the fact that Jace had almost attacked them. "We need asylum." Alec said, straightening, his eyes turning direly serious. Neither he nor Jace knew where they were, if they had traveled time, space, or both. Perhaps they could be in a totally different dimension then they had been previously. There was no telling. Alec needed to be the clear-headed one right now, and he would be. For Jace. 

It was clear how the words affected the four. Instantly, serious expressions were donned. Sympathetic expressions mingled with the seriousness of the response, and understanding lit on all four of them. The darker haired sword boy nodded stiffly. 

"Of course," He said. Alec breathed out. He took Jace by the arm, following them as they reached a...carriage? At this point Alec was not about to be asking questions, just taking Jace by the arm they piled in the carriage. Alec was careful to keep Jace by the window, and moving next to him, so that none of the others touched his parabatai, knowing it was likely not a good idea after all...Valentine was not a kind father, if what Alec had seen in that moment alone was any indication. He would owe them an explanation.

Nobody talked. It was obvious that they had read the atmosphere and realized that talking was just not something that was going to happen if they valued leaving uninjured. Alec had his arms wrapped gently around Jace, hoping that the other would even make it to the Institute before he passed out from his injuries. Earlier had definitely not helped and Alec was not even sure what was injured or how badly.  He also had no idea why they were using a carriage, of all things, but he was not going to complain about it. However, it took a while, but eventually they came to a bustling city, and the building of the Institute of wherever they were. Alec closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Jace, come on," Alec spoke softly, ensuring that it held no sternness, and yet it was to no affect as Jace instantly obeyed without question the softened command. Alec sighed heavily, knowing that his brother's time with Valentine had done far worse then he wanted to think about. 

They were shown to the infirmary at Alec's request. It took but a moment to send Jace to sleep drawing the sleeping rune secretly. Alec still felt guilty, using the information Jace had entrusted to him as a parabatai against him, but in this instance he knew that it was necessary. The boy would only be out for about an hour, something which Alec was aware, so he wasted no time in turning to the four who were standing, along with two adults.

"Care to give us some information now?" The dark sword boy said, eyes glinting with caution.

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