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Alec rushed over to Magnus and Meliorn whilst Camille and her cowards ran from the party. It was not long after whispers broke out, and from there the party went back to what it had been previously. Speaking, dancing, as though a Nephilim had not just threatened a whole coven of vampires. Alec did not really care much for Camille, but he also could not believe that Jace had been so effortless at threatening her life. He sighed heavily, this was not what he had expected when they had set out for Magnus' party this evening. He supposed it was something that he should have considered. Jace never did particularly well when it came to so many people after an incident like what had been going on the last couple days. He should have been a bit more careful letting Jace out so soon, not as though he could have refused, but he would have kept a more watchful eye. 

Once Alec brought Jace over to the two Downwolrders, there was no hesitation in the way that Jace grasped onto Meliorn, fingers tightly fisting the dark blue jacket that he had worn for the evening. Meliorn stared down at the boy, eyes wide. He turned to look at Alec, but the latter was not being helpful and instead was staring at Magnus, and simply sighed heavily. He hummed, letting his fingers curl behind the boy's neck. He glanced towards Magnus once more, watching as he cared for Alec, who seemed totally exhausted. He supposed that would do it, and it would seem that Jace had exhausted his own ability to bother with the population, though Meliorn could not really fault him for that either. Camille was a difficult vampire to deal with on a regular day, let alone go up against all alone with no remorse. He felt Jace fall even more lax against him as his fingers gently massaged the base of his neck. 

"What...exactly just happened?" Meliorn asked, a small laugh to his sentence, hiding how nervous that he was, either that or making it more obvious, he was not sure but at this point he also did not have the heart to really care. He wanted to figure out what it was that was going on between these boys, but trying to figure that out was like pulling teeth. They did not like to give information, and he knew that, it was obvious that those other Nephilim where at the party to mostly supervise these two, which seemed to horribly backfire on them. He glanced around the room for them, but his attention was taken once more with Magnus gently nudging his shoulder.

"Let's take them upstairs, it will be easier to speak with them there." He whispered. Meliorn sighed but nodded, knowing that he was correct. In the end it was almost impossible to really hold a decent conversation with so many people around who could listen into the conversation, and furthermore, it was dangerous. There were too many people ready to overhear them, and neither Meliorn nor Magnus believed that this was going to be an overly nice conversation that they were bound to have. Not to mention, Jace looked like he had had enough of people for the night. Magnus sighed, pulling Alec and Meliorn with Jace upstairs to his own personal suites. He told them to wait as he went out to deal with everyone downstairs.

"You are sending them all home?" Meliorn questioned, his brows furrowing down in surprise as he saw Magnus going forwards towards the front of the room, rather than towards the lounge. He knew that Magnus' parties typically lasted until well into the night, and it was scarcely eleven. His care for these two Nephilim was...interesting at least to watch. It was clear that he cared for them, but Meliorn was not sure how that had come to happen. It was rare for the Warlock to have Nephilim company in the first place, but when he did they were normally for but a few moments, and they did not hold any sort of attachments to them. "Are you going to rid the place of the other two Nephilim who will likely demand to stay?" He asked in question, curious of the answer. Magnus sighed, groaning slightly.

"I do not know, but I will figure out a way, if I have to teleport them myself." He muttered under his breath something about stubborn idiotic nephilim. Meliorn wanted to laugh about it, but as it were a small wry smile laid itself upon his lips as he watched Magnus leave the room and head downstairs. He glanced towards Alec, more than a little surprised to see the other staring at him as he held Jace carefully to him. He blinked, not really sure what the other wanted or why it was that he was staring at him.

"You..." Alec paused...licking his lips and trying to figure out what to say next to help this weird situation. There was not really...a good way to explain he supposed. He knew that Jace really liked Meliorn, or at the very least felt safe with him, but how was Alec supposed to explain that to someone that they had just met?

It would not make sense, and Alec could not blame Meliorn for that. He had taken the same sort of fascination with Jace as he had in their...other world? Whatever it was, just as Magnus had in his. He still could not believe that Jace had threatened Camille to stay away from Magnus, all because Alec cared about Magnus, and Camille had hurt Magnus, though he should have. Jace was selfless like that. He...he had a big heart, though sometimes it was hard to see it.

"There, they are gone," Magnus huffed, coming back into the room. Alec inhaled sharply, turning his eyes to Magnus' gold ones. He gave the other a small smile, and stared down at his knees.

"Thank you, Magnus."

"I definitely do deserve a thank you, considering how hard it was to get rid of your little Nephilim twins." Alec winced slightly at that before staring at Magnus with wide eyes.

"You managed it?" Jace muttered under his breath, the words were breathy, spoken heavily, indicating his exhaustion just as his eyes fluttering slightly as Meliorn hummed in response to Jace's words.

"Barely, it took forever to convince them to leave. I told them I would escort you two straight back to the institute myself." Magnus rolled his eyes, a smirk playing at his lips as he looked back at Alec. "However, definitely worth it." Alec laughed nervously.

"So...Back on topic," Meliorn cut in, stopping the little flirty looks between Magnus and Alec and turning their attention back to him, and by contrast, the issue at hand. "What exactly happened back there? I did not catch everything. Jace sort of just...rushed off out of nowhere whispering your name." Alec laughed nervously at that, moving his hands up and down his arms trying to not get anxious. There was so much going on.

"I just...That Vampire, was getting me upset and angry. Granted, I did not expect Jace to go full glowy eyes on them. I can't say that I am not thankful for his intervention, but he did definitely go a bit too far." 

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