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Jace could not stop staring, despite everything, because in the end, Meliorn had helped him, had been there for him, and Jace had to admit that he had developed...something...with the Fae, although neither of them was entirely sure what it was. To go so long without seeing him, to suddenly see him-even a different version of him-Jace felt as though he was about to cry, but managed to pull back the tears, just taking in the Fae entirely wanting to memorize everything about him, swallowing nervously as the desire to rush up and just give him a big hug engulfed him. He tamped the desire down ruthlessly, contenting himself to just look at him, seeing him okay, seeing him safe. He would never, really...Meliorn and himself, they had a rather...complicated relationship, but Jace knew that there was nothing he could do, and there was no part of him that would allow Meliorn to ruin his life by being with him. Though that had never been a problem since he had disappeared not too long ago. It...hurt him, as Meliorn had been a comforting presence. It was the reason he had pushed him away in the beginning, despite everything....His father....His father had been close. 

When he was stuck in his father's boat, for some reason, he had managed to connect to Meliorn, if but for a few moments, each day. Those few moments had encompassed his entire being. They were what kept his sanity, keeping him from drowning himself in Valentine's lies. A soothing balm to the harsh and painful presence of his father. He had long forgotten how to get used to his Father's presence. The man had raised him for a while, but even then, he had learned all of the rules and expectations to keep from being beat, but some, some the Lightwoods had helped him grow out of, and even still, those were the ones which seemed the most important. Jace was being punished relentlessly on the daily, and his father ensured that they were every so much more painful, cutting through his very soul each time. Yet, at the end, when Jace was about to be pulled into the edges of sleep, Meliorn and him, they would link somehow, though Jace did not really understand how, and Meliorn would whisper in his mind, keeping him sane, keeping him from falling into darkness. Jace treasured those moments beyond anything else. If...If that had not happened, he did not know what he would do.

"Are you okay doll?" Meliorn asked with a small smile and a laugh that brightened his eyes, leaving Jace utterly entranced. The Fae was....beyond anything. Jace had never known why it was that he would be willing to help him in the first place, but he just ignored the negative thoughts. They were on a different plane now. The Meliorn that he knew was likely not the same. He knew, Meliorn had opened the earth portal to another world, and allowed Clary and him to pass through, telling them how to get their world again, but this was so different. Jace transferred them here himself, and he did not even know how to get them back. The interactions of the people on that world though, they were...similar but ever so different. He could not expect this Meliorn to be the same.

Alec, having walked up to see Meliorn standing with Jace abruptly pulled Will and Gabriel back with a swiftly whispered curse. Will and Gabriel glanced at him worried. They did not see what Alec had seen, nor did they have the same information, but it was hard enough for Alec to see Magnus, he knew it would not be quite the same, but Jace and Meliorn had always had a...strange reaction towards each other, one which even Izzy had not managed to bring out in Meliorn. He did not know if that was a good thing or a bad thing but they were certainly about to find out.

"What is wrong?" Will asked softly. Gabriel scoffed. He rolled his eyes as he turned to Alec with a slightly hostile tone. 

"I thought we were going to find Jace."

"Not yet, and shut up." Alec said simply, holding them back effortlessly. Will and Gabriel had to admit, it was almost unnerving the sudden wealth of strength that Alec seemed to have, but noting how anxious that Alec seemed to be, they did not continue to push the younger Shadowhunter. 

Jace, not ten feet away, did not even notice the three of them standing there watching them. Meliorn reached out to brush his bangs to the side of his face and Jace just stared up at him with wide eyes sparkling. Meliorn tilted his head to the side a bit, watching him with subtle amusement. He just struggled with the words that he wanted to say, what words he could possibly say. He wanted to say something eloquent, something pretty, something that would match the Fae....

"Definitely a nine." Was all he said instead, the words whispered under his breath. Meliorn, as a Fae, definitely heard it and his laugh seemed to echo in the space that seemed to hold only the two of them. Jace flushed profusely as he realized he had said the words out loud, and loud enough for Meliorn to actually hear them. 

"A nine?" He stated curiously. Meliorn watched as Jace's eyes seemed to traverse his face, curiosity pulling him in as he watched this young Shadowhunter. Magnus had said that he had found two interesting Nephilim, and he was not wrong in that. It seemed this boy had been able to withstand a demonic rune, more than once, and live to tell the tale as well. Which really merely increased Meliorn's curiosity. 

"You're so beautiful," Was all Jace said in response, seeming to slightly puncture Meliorn's amusement, a bit of a shock entering in his eyes. He gave him a small smile, but it was definitely not something he had expected from the boy. He was not even wearing a glamour, and his downworlder marks were entwining across his hands and the sides of his face, the leafed vines inked and practically etched into his skin. He just...shocked. A Shadowhunter thought his...marks were pretty? Thought that he was pretty? He almost wanted to say that he was lying or mocking him, but he knew that was not the case. The utter awe and adoration in his voice was enough to cue him into that.

"Why thank you Little Bird," he said with a small but genuine smile. "You are as well,"

"Little Bird?" Jace wondered, he glanced back towards his shoulders. "I don't really have wings you know." He said with a glitter in his eyes. Meliorn was quite delighted that the boy responded so quickly mirth in his eyes rather than the offense he was usually shoved with when it came to the Nephilim.

"Ah, perhaps not, but they are engraved in your soul." Meliorn said with a mystic breathy voice. He was not lying, and this boy probably had one of the brightest auras he had ever seen. So much so...Meliorn gave the boy a smile. "I can practically see the halo and the weeks, and the strong resounding voice." Jace scoffed.

"I am not that bright you know," But he did not know, was all Meliorn could think. This boy did not know how beautiful he shone. "I can be just as bad as good," He thoughtlessly spoke and Meliorn's eyes glinted.

"Is that so little birdy?" He whispered, fingers tucking under his chin to force his gaze up into his eyes, staring at him curiously. Jace was once more absolutely enthralled with him. He hummed nodding. "I suppose i can see it." He gave the boy a small smile wand trailed his fingers from his chin to rest at the side of his neck. "My name is Meliorn, may I inquire as to the little angel's?"

"Jace," He said with a relaxed sigh. "My name is Jace," Meliorn quirked his brow.

"Is Jace short for something else, Angel Bird?" He hummed. Meliorn watched as some apprehension entered in the little Bird's eyes, but he answered nonetheless, trusting, something which surprised Meliorn greatly. A shadowhunter trusted him, and was willing to overcome their own apprehension just because of it?

"Jonathon," came to soft reply.

"It is wonderful to meet you." Meliorn stated. "Ah, I think your friends are here," Meliorn said with a teasing smile. "But do not worry Little Angel, i shall come back to see you again." Meliorn released Jace, fingers danced across his chin, lingering, before he disappeared in a whirl of green and black leaving Jace standing shellshocked. 

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