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Alec loved Magnus. It had been quite obvious in their time and place. For though he had an undying crush on Jace for a long while, Magnus was just...charismatic, and there was just something about him that had drawn Alec in from the first glance. He...did not know what it was, nor did he truly really care all that much. In the end, he had, well, still did, love Magnus. The Warlock was someone he knew that he would always love, even if it hurt him. It was...not so easy loving Magnus either. From the disgust of his mother, and his father's disappointment, to trying to survive with loving a downworlder. For them, it had been bad enough that they found out that he was gay, but being in love with a downworlder had lowered their view of him even further then what it had been before, not that he cared much, Magnus was his life, and he loved him with great intensity. 

Jace was...different. Jace was someone that Alec has been through thick and thin with, he was determined to help him, even at his own discomfort. He did not wish to risk enslavement, especially since this was not their time period, and as they were not one hundred percent sure when it was they could not know how their relations with the Seelie were at the moment, and he particularly did not want to deal with the riddle like quality of their speech. Alec had never quite had the mind nor the patience for deciphering their riddles, that was Jace's specialty, and he would simply rather not. 

"Magnus," Will said gently the moment the golden eyed warlock had opened the door. "We brought you some friends." He said with a twinkle in his eyes, but Magnus noted the bruises around his throat, and the protective stance of the pretty dark haired boy against him. Magnus hummed. 

"Well, come on in I suppose." Magnus sighed out, pulling his body from the door to allow them in. Alec closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. Kind as ever. despite perhaps his more desired inclinations, Magnus was always a sweet warlock, or so it would seem. At least from this time period. He held Jace close to him and shielded him from the sights of Jem and William. 

"We are truly sorry to impose," Jem said, his voice soft and almost bashful. "He said that we needed a warlock. You were the first anyone could think of. He suggested you, actually." Magnus tilted his head slightly at Jem's words, watching as the strange dark haired boy laid a blonde on the couch with gentle care, hesitantly arranging his body more comfortably, before kneeling at his side and gently tracing the side of his face, eyes fond. 

"It is fine," Magnus said his catlike eyes glinting. "Who are these young nephilim?" Jem sort of laughed a bit nervously at that question. Magnus raise a brow, fingers flexing, like a wild cat baring claws. 

"They sought refuge. We do not really know from what, but they had obviously been through the ringer. Will and I think that the blonde boy was tortured. Horribly," Magnus felt his eyes flare gold. A boy? He could be naught more then seventeen, at most, and someone would dare...

"Tortured?" Magnus asked once more, glancing at Jem who looked sad. 

"Horribly. The amount of healing runes that Alec put on him was horrifying. Over and over and over again, it lasted several minutes of just drawing Iratzes." Magnus swallowed. Alec was the dark haired boy who was taking reverent care of the other. If what Jem said was true, Magnus supposed he could somewhat understand. However, that did not answer the main question. Why was this boy here though?

"Why is he here?" Jem sighed.

"I do not...I do not really know. you should probably ask him." 

Magnus sighed heavily, but even still he walked up to the boy and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. The other jumped, moving swiftly around. Magnus had no illusions that if the other had a weapon it would be neatly pointed at his throat. As it were the other just stared at him, before suddenly relaxing upon seeing his face. 

"What happened?" Magnus asked gently, not wanting to scare the other too suddenly. The boy still seemed a bit...stressed. 

"I...I do not know." Alec admitted, continuing to hold onto the blonde boy with one hand whilst explaining. "Something happened, and Jace had said that if such a thing were to happen to use a certain rune. He said it would help him." Alec looked suitably distressed at this. "When he had first mentioned it I did not think that we would ever actually have to use it, and on top of that I had hoped perhaps a bit too much. I looked in the book of runes but I could not find the specific one that he had shown." Alec sighed, and Magnus was beginning to get a bit concerned. 

What sort of Rune would a boy raised by Nephilim know that was not within the Book of Runes, and how would he know it, and for what reason would it be known? Magnus had to admit that it was more than a little concerning. This sort of thing spelled danger, especially if a Downworlder was involved. There were other questions that he had, but he would not ask them. It was...not right. At least most certainly not the time for it. He could be fascinated over this later. Right now the dark haired boy seemed very worried. 

"I had never used the rune before today, but, Jace had warned me that if it was ever necessary to use it, we had to find either a warlock, or a seelie to help with it. I do not know why," Alec admitted, a dark look flashing through his eyes. he stared at the floor. "I...when I used the rune for the first time today he was in so much pain. It was....horrifying." Alec's voice trembled slightly towards the end. "I did not know that it would cause so much pain. it was so...terrifying. I brought him to you." Alec looked up at Magnus, there was tears in his eyes, watering from the desperation. "I do not know how the relations with the Seelie are at the moment, I did not wish to risk such a thing, and I figured you were the best bet, and I am sorry but..." Alec closed his eyes swallowing and inhaling sharply. "I...I ask for your help." Alec said softly. 

Magnus watched him. the boy was on the verge of bursting into tears. Magnus could hardly bear it. Something about watching the tears fill in the boy's eyes, watching his desperation, and the unmoving body of the blonde tugged at his heart for some reason. He did not know them, he had no reason to feel this way, but for some reason...something about them tugged at the edges of his mind. 

Magnus sighed heavily, his eyes sliding to the side as he mentally chastised himself for what he was about to do. 

"What did it look like?" He asked and Alec inhaled sharply, relief sharp in his features.

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