My Boys- Chapter 1

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Hey guys ! So this is my very first story here on Wattpad.

Please don't be so hard on me. I hope you'll love it. Btw, the song for this chappy is Good Time by Owl city ft. Carly Rae Jepsen (check out the youtube link :p).

Enjoy! And pleeeeeeeease don't forget to VOTE :)

PS: Check out the photo of the cast ! Hot right?  

Nina Dobrev as Bree (Elena on TVD)

Alexander Ludwig as Matt (Cato on Hunger Games)

Daren Kagassof as Tyler (Ricky on TSLAT)


Chapter 1

Beep beep beep beeeeeep

"Oh crap." I muttered to myself.

Looking at myself in my full length mirror for the last time. I immediately rushed out of the room, running down the stairs and nearly tripping on the last step. I paused for a moment, composing myself for the sudden mini heart attack I just had.


"Coming!" I called while locking the front door.

"Hurry up Bree! We can't be late for the first day of school!" Matty whined as I'm approaching the shiny, black, Range Rover on our driveway.

I opened the backseat door and got in. "Hey guys!" I greeted, widely smiling at my two best friends. I reached out to the front to kiss both of their cheeks.

"You are always late Bee." Ty said, while I kissed his cheek, smelling the familiar scent of his shaving cream.

Tyler calls me 'Bee' instead of 'Bree', something that developed when we were growing up.

"Sorry guys, I could not find anything to wear!" I explained.

"OMG! Brianna Belle Cambridge doesn't have anything to wear?" Matty faked a shock as I kissed his cheek.

Ty raised his eyebrows knowing that I'm obviously lying.

"Well you know why this is so important to me..." I slowly said. "It's our last first day of school and you know..." I trailed avoiding their stares.

"And Matty. why do you smell like chocolates?" I asked, detracting the attention to him because I don't want to be lectured again by these two.

Matty is kinda... let's just say addicted to sweets.

He then gulped and slowly turned his head to Ty. Hmm.. I wonder what's going on. Ty snapped his head to Matty and raised his thick eyebrows apprehensively.

"Matt, coach said you cannot eat sweets until the game." Ty said, speaking to him like when you're talking to a child.

Even though he appears cool and calm I know that tone of his voice.

"Ow! What was that for? It was Nutella for Christ’s sake! You cannot say no to Nutella." Matty said while nursing his head where Ty had hit. I laughed at his childishness. Knowing Matty, he can't resist eating food that has sugar in it. 

The two of them became the best players at our school, Rosewood High as soon as they entered freshman year and tried out for football. They love football, I don’t know why. Cause' all I coiuld see from that game is the constant pain of getting hit by some rock-like bodies just for that freakin' ball.

But they are not just the best players, they are also the biggest heart-breakers on earth. Because of their 'hotness', girls or gays of all ages drool over them. They could even get out of trouble from the teachers once they show them their award-winning smiles.

Let me prove to you. First is Matty, who is known as Matt at school. He hates to be called 'Matty' but I always called him 'Matty' just to annoy him and he just got used to it. Anyway, Matthew Louise James is whom you call, or what others call, a 'cocky hotty'.

He has a medium-length surfer blonde hair, blue eyes like the color of the sea, he's also tall and lean but not too muscular like the other football players. In short, girl magnet. He screws them and throws them after he uses them. Jerk right? But in spite of all that traits, deep inside he is a very sweet, charming boy.

He's also very protective of me. Well that's an understatement. Matt and Ty... I think they want me to be a nun or to die single or live with cats all my life. It's frustrating!

But that's gonna change this year. I'll date who I want to date. No one can stop me. Take that, Matty and Ty!

Back then, I 'fell in love' with him. Or that's what I thought. Yup, he was my first boyfriend, and I was also his first girlfriend. Back then, I had a huge huge crush on him. And when he asked me to be his girlfriend, of course I agreed! Who wouldn't? I was seven back then and he was 8, I thought I 'loved' him but you know kids. It was just a crush. An infatuation. Puppy love. Then. we 'broke up' after three days for no reason at all. Since then, we became best friends.

But now, he thinks he's funny when he tells people about it just for teasing me. He tells them that we kissed and all. Barf* Now that I think about it, I get goose bumps. He's my freakin’ best friend!

But my other best friend, Ty or Kent Tyler Maxwell is different than Matty. More like the opposite when it comes to personality.

First of all he is not cocky. He's called the 'mysterious hotty'. For people at school he is, but for us his best friends we know the true Tyler. He just doesn't really pay attention to girls. He talks to them, but only if it is just really something he needs. Like ask for notes he missed.  

I'll tell you a secret: Ty is talkative when it's just us hanging out. He hangs out with us and the guys of his team, but I never see him hang out or date with girls. Specifically, slutty girls at school who by the way Matty is very fond of.

Ty just ignores them and treats them like they don't exist. I sometimes wonder if he's gay. Hmm I hope not though because Ty is... I don't know why I'm saying this but it's true.

He is one handsome young man. With short, dark brown hair and a piercing chocolate brown eyes that only adds to his mysterious look. He is also lean and tall. Just like Matty, he has the perfect muscles in the right places. But he is also an inch or two taller than Matty.

Even though he doesn't like to talk too much with people he's not close to, he's actually really funny and caring. He's always concerned and protective about the people he loves. 

 "Bee, let's go." Tyler called while opening my door and reaching for my hand. I haven't realized we arrived at our school already.

I sigh as I can see the people snap their heads in our direction. I could never get used to this. I got out of the car aware of the stares and whispers of the girls, while giving me death glares. Walking from the parking lot to the building, Matt and Ty put their heavy arms over my shoulders.

I can see the jealousy in their eyes. Oh god, why am I best friends with two overprotective 'hot' guys?


So how was it? please comment! And VOTE pleeeeease? :))

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