Chapter 6, Part 10 (Ciera's POV)

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After a while, after she finally realized that the spirit had completely vacated my body, Helena stopped being scared and spoke to me again. “What did it feel like?” she asked. “Did it hurt? Were you able to think? Or did everything freeze?”

Annoyed, I snapped, “Shut up Helena.”

Helena, looking hurt, had replied, “Okay,” and had scampered away.

Her departure left me feeling empty, and I walked back to my bedroom alone. When I went inside, my mind started whirling. What had Helena done to deserve my anger? Nothing, she did nothing! a small part of me said. She kept asking you annoying questions. She cussed at you. She… my conscience kept telling me more reasons how my actions were justified. Ignoring my kinder self,. It was Helena’s fault, not mine. It was Helena’s fault, not mine. It was Helena’s fault, not mine, I told myself until I, for the most part, believed myself. A tiny part still told me that I was in the wrong, but I shoved that to the back of my mind. What was I becoming? I was hurting everyone I loved. Putting my head in my hands, I quietly cried myself to sleep.

I woke up in the morning feeling as terrible as I had the night before, and when I walked over to the bathroom to get ready for the day, I nearly screamed. The reflection in the mirror wasn’t mine. The main features were the same: golden hair and green eyes, but basically nothing else was. The woman in the mirror’s hair was shoulder length, her face was more angular than mine, and it was obvious that she was a full grown adult, not a 16 year old girl. Finally, to affirm my fears, the woman spoke. “Do not be afraid, child. I am not here to hurt you.” Her voice was musical, and reminded me of green hills, blue skies, shining suns, and bubbling brooks, all together. “My name is Sasha Castillo. I am, in fact, of the spirits that you first came upon, but you didn’t see me. I was there to watch over you, to make sure your training went well.

“Why didn’t you help me then?” I demanded. “You let them hurt me. You are no better than them!” I said, furious.

Sasha sighed. “I knew you would say that. You sound like every single member of our family, child.” When Sasha looked up, her eyes were sparkling, and I saw something in them that I hadn’t expected: pride.

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