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"This is so exciting! I can't wait to see everything

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"This is so exciting! I can't wait to see everything." Nina beamed, staring out the window as the couple drove past the Welcome To Mystic Falls sign.

After noticing Hope seemed a bit down on their weekly FaceTime call, Rebekah decided they should spend Nina's vacation time in Mystic Falls. Although the blonde has a deep hatred for the town, she wouldn't let it get in the way of boosting her only nieces spirits.

"I hope your standards aren't raised too high, Nins. This town isn't that exciting."

"From all the stories you've told me, this town seems like it's right out of a television show."

Rolling her eyes with a smile gracing her lips, the blonde continued the drive to the Salvatore Boarding School. Despite wanting to visit Hope, Rebekah had a bit of a weight on her chest. It had been nine years since the death of her former lover, Stefan Salvatore. After finally leaving the Chambre de Chasse spell Freya casted to save her and their siblings, Rebekah found out about her old friends death a year later while at a bar in New York. The original was shocked, not believing the words out of the strangers mouth. With a little digging that Nina would certainly call stalking, she found out that it was true. Rebekah only hoped Stefan had found peace.

"I just hope we don't run into Elena Gilbert. I'd rather not see her gushing over Damon Salvatore every bloody second."

The human giggled, lightly slapping her wife's arm.

"I'm sure she isn't as bad as you make her out to be. Is she not training to become a doctor?" Nina questioned. Once Rebekah responded with a nod, the woman grew a bit curious. "How did you even know that in the first place?"

"I get bored while you're at work. I like to know what my former enemies are up to."

Before the dark haired woman could respond, a loud siren suddenly went off behind them. Furrowing her eyebrows, Nina looked over at Rebekah, who seemed equally confused. Sure, she was going a bit over the speed limit, but was it that big of a deal? The residents had more to worry about than an original vampire going ten mph over the speed limit.

"It's fine, I'll just compel the cop to let us go. Then, we'll be on our way to see Hope."

"I don't think so." A voice spoke, appearing at the window. "Hello, Rebekah."

"Matt Donovan?"

"Wait, the same Matt who's car you drove off the bridge?!" Nina gasped, leaning forward to get a better look at the male.

"Who's this? A human you compelled to keep you company?"

"Oh, get over yourself Matt. This is my wife, Nina and she is indeed a human but not one I compelled."

The male didn't try to hide the shock that showed on his face, covering it up only after a few seconds, "What are you doing here? This town has been peaceful for years now, we don't need anymore original vampires to screw it up."

"No wonder you tried to kill him, he has awful manners." Nina scoffed, "We're here to visit our niece. Rebekah and I don't plan on causing any trouble, we just want to go to the Salvatore school."

With a bit of hesitation, the human nodded, backing away from the car. "It was good to see you after all these years, Rebekah. Have a nice visit."

The blonde replied with a small smile then stepped on the gas, driving away before the sheriff changed his mind.

"I wasn't too mean, was I? That guy was just making awful accusations and I-"

"-you were not being rude, Nina. I swear. If anything, that was pretty badass of you." Rebekah laughed, thinking back to the conversation. Her wife was never one to get into arguments; if anything she avoided them at all costs. The human hated confrontation and only got angry if she needed to.

✵ ✵ ✵

After a few more minutes, the two finally arrived at the school.

Outside stood Alaric Saltzman, whom Rebekah had to contact before visiting her niece. Although the blonde was many things, she was not disrespectful. She was aware that the school had certain regulations and she wouldn't want to cause a big disturbance.

"Welcome to the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted." The man announced as Nina and Rebekah walked to the entrance. "Although Rebekah and I have met, I don't believe we have. I'm Alaric Saltzman, headmaster of the school."

"Nina Brandis, it's nice to meet you!" The dark haired woman smiled, shaking the mans hand.

"We have an extra room you two can stay in that's unoccupied by the students. It's never used but since you're such special guests, you'll be staying there."

Nina raised her eyebrows and gave her wife a cheeky smile, feeling giddy after being called a 'special guest'. The married couple followed Alaric through the halls.

Once they arrived at the room, Rebekah opened the door, clenching her jaw at the sight in front of her. "Is this what I think it is?"

"Yeah, Stefans old room. Like I said, no one uses it so there may be some dust and such but it shouldn't be too bad." Alaric sighed, noticing the blondes expression. "If it's too much there's a motel not too far-"

"-we'll be okay, I promise. It's a great room, thank you so much for letting us stay here. We can, uh, meet you in an hour after we unpack?" Nina spoke, gripping Rebekah's hand to try and calm her down.

The human nodded, turning to walk out the door and closing it behind him. Once Alaric was gone, the dark haired woman sadly smiled, leading her wife over to the bed and sitting them down.

"You don't really talk about Stefan much. I think he's only been in two of your stories and I don't know how close you guys were but I'm sure he's in a better place now."

After a few seconds of silence, Rebekah sighed and glanced around the room. "I knew him for a century. Of course, we did not talk through most of it, but I still knew him. I was in love with him at one point and I just didn't give myself time to grieve him since everyone I love died and I was used to the feeling. Even when we were against each other, he was still a good guy. He was such a good person. I just wish I got the chance to tell him that before he died. Maybe we could have moved on from the past and become friends that send each other stupid holiday cards and call each other and talk about our days. It's a depressing thought, I know."

"I don't think it's depressing." Nina softly spoke, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind the vampires ear. "I think that you regret how you left things and wish you could have reconciled once you two were no longer in constant danger. It's okay to mourn him, even after all these years."

"How do you always know what to say to make me feel better?"

"I guess I just know you better than you know yourself."

Rebekah let out a small laugh, shaking her head while brushing away the fallen tears. "Come on, let's unpack then see Hope once she's finished with her class."

part two will be out (hopefully) soon

Yes this chapter is mainly about Stefan because I miss him. That's all. Also because I wish they showed their reactions to his death in the originals......

Also if you're confused about the timeline, this is about a year before legacies starts, so the twins and Hope aren't friends yet! If you haven't watched legacies, that's okay! It won't really talk about the plot, mainly just Hope :)

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