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NOVEMBER 25, 2028

"You're sure we're not too late?"

"Love, I promise. We'll only be gone a week. Nothing bad is going to happen."

Nina nodded, looking back down at her hands placed under her bump.

They were sitting in the airport, waiting to leave for their baby moon.

Although they should have planned the vacation earlier, it completely slipped both of their minds. Besides, if there was ever a time to relax, it was now.

Nina had been experiencing the worst Braxton Hicks. She talked to Freya about when she and Keelin had Nik, and apparently her pain was much worse.

She tried to be excited for Rebekah's sake, but she was in too much pain. The only thing Nina wanted to do right now was hide under her blankets and eat gallons of ice cream.

Sure, relaxing on a warm beach sounded nice, but she was simply too tired.

As Nina let out a yawn, a lady on the intercom announced their flight was boarding.

Rebekah stood up first, pulling a purse over her shoulder. As she turned to help Nina up, her gut told her something was wrong.

She all of a sudden seemed pale and sweaty. Nina complained about Braxton Hicks hurting, but Rebekah felt like this was something else.


"I'm okay," She insisted, slowly standing up, "We need to go so we don't miss the flight."

Five seconds.

That's how long it took for Rebekah Mikaelson's world to shatter.

In the blink of an eye, Nina was on the floor with her head sagged forwards.


In a flash, a security guard came over, talking rapidly on his phone.

Rebekah didn't know what to do. She didn't know what was happening.

They were supposed to be boarding a plane to go on their relaxing vacation; one they rightfully deserved.

The blonde felt as though she was in a trance as she followed paramedics to an ambulance. As she climbed into the back. And as she held onto her wife's limp hand.

She wasn't by any means a religious person, but she was praying to any God that existed that Nina and their baby would be okay.

✵ ✵ ✵

DECEMBER 25, 2028

"It's been a month," Rebekah said, her hand running through Nina's hair. "He started to breathe on his own a week ago. You should've seen it, he's a little fighter."

Rebekah waited for a response.

But nothing came.

She wasn't sure why she gave Nina time to respond, she never did.

The doctors still don't know why she's comatose. The only thing they can explain is why she gave birth only. Rebekah wasn't too familiar with the medical terms, but it had something to do with her uterus.

They also mentioned how it would be a risk if Nina became pregnant again.

Rebekah didn't miss the undertone to the message. It would be a risk if she even wakes up.

Her family had been by her side through it all. Not much of a surprise to Rebekah, but Nathaniel had been staying at the hospital the most. Some nights, Rebekah would sleep on the small couch and he would bring in a chair.

But now, Rebekah just wanted Nina to wake up. It was a month since their son was born, and she still showed no signs. She seemed perfectly fine, but her body just wouldn't wake up.

But most importantly, she didn't want the three of them to spend their first Christmas like this.

There were times when Rebekah thought about giving her blood to help speed up the process, but in case something went wrong, she knew Nina would hate her for turning her into a vampire.

Even Freya and Kol went over spells, but nothing was working. It was frustrating Rebekah to no end.

Along with that, she didn't even name him yet. They didn't discuss names; only that Elijah would be his middle name. They assumed they had more time.

"You're taking your time, I get it. Just don't take too long; we miss you too much," Rebekah stood, "I'm going to go visit him again, but I'll be here when you wake up. Merry Christmas, I love you."

Rebekah left and entered the elevator, bringing her to the floor above that had her son. Only when the doors closed, even with her vampire hearing, she seemed to miss the beeping and the shouts.

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