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Nina smiled, walking out of the shelter with her new dog

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Nina smiled, walking out of the shelter with her new dog.

The decision was completely in the heat of the moment. Did Nina plan to get the dog? No. Did she regret it? Also no.

The human thought it would be a good fill in for her now Rebekah-less apartment.

It had been a lonely and dull two weeks without her roommate and best friend. Of course, the woman busied herself with work and trying out new recipes, but it felt different without her blonde friend. She was still angry at Rebekah for keeping a huge secret from her for five years.

As Nina unlocked her door and allowed her dog to run inside for the first time, she groaned, realizing she had absolutely nothing for her new companion.

Knowing her friend was off today and owed her a favor, the dark haired woman called Luisa and asked her to dog sit and such.

Once everything was situated, Nina decided to walk instead of driving to the nearest pet store, which was only five minutes by foot.

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The dark haired woman strolled out of the pet supply store, holding two bags full of dog food, toys, bowls, and more.

Not even a minute into her walk, Nina heard her name being called. As she looked around, she saw that no one was looking over at her. Claiming she misheard, the human continued her walk back home.

As Nina passed by a short and small alleyway, she heard her name being called yet again. The human sighed, looking to her left and seeing a blonde woman standing there.

"Can I help you?"

"You're Nina, right?"

"Yeah, and who are you?"

"You might wanna come down here and talk. Right now, only you can see me and everyone else thinks you're crazy."

The human furrowed her eyebrows and quickly prayed she wasn't about to get murdered before walking over to the woman.

"I'm Freya. Rebekah's sister." The blonde smiled kindly.

Assuming the woman was here to hurt her after being harsh to her sister, Nina cautiously took a few steps back, which made Freya slightly laugh.

"No, I'm not a vampire. Quite the opposite actually. I'm a witch and I don't plan on hurting you unless you attempt to hurt me."

"Why are you here?" Nina asked, crossing her arms together over her chest.

Although the human tried to seem "tough", she appeared almost comical with her two pet store bags holding her wrist down. Besides, the human could never win against the witch.

"I'm getting married."


"And I want you to be there."

If Nina was drinking water, then it would've been almost certain that she would be doing a spit-take.

"Look, no offense, Freya but I don't know you and I'm not on good terms with Rebekah. I don't want to see her and she doesn't wanna see me." The dark haired woman spoke, "Now, if you excuse me, I have to go home to my dog. Good luck with the wedding."

The Mikaelson witch watched as Nina walked back to where the street was. Freya sighed, knowing that Rebekah would very much like to see her. Deciding she would need to go home and plan out another way to bring the human to New Orleans, the witch chanted a quick spell that brought her back.

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