Promised Movie Night

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So yeah, got my phone taken again lmao but yeesh I'm back.. again. Anyway..
Intersex kairiiii
vvshig yeah this is for you. It's prolly gonna be shit❤️🖐🏼


Kairis pov:

Well today, Mattia and I were supposed to do movie night tonight when he got back from work. I went to the nearest grocery store and bought some of his favorite snacks and drinks. I bought me some too. I got a couple of blankets and some matching pajamas. They were both blue and fluffy with pandas and clouds on them. I got some face masks and made sure they aren't the ones that hurt him because he is so sensitive.

I was checking out of the store and got a call.

Babycakes ❤️🖕🏼 is calling...

K: heyyy babe wassup?
M: hey baby boy, I might be a little late for movie night. But only a few minutes because I just got off. Is that okay?
K: yeah that's fine Mattia but don't do what you did last time, or so God help me I will fuck you up.
M: okayyyy okay babe chill, I loves youuuu!!
K: I love you too tia! Byeee

Call ended with Babycakes❤️🖕🏼

Mattia is such a softie. Like people see him as "oh he's in the mafia so he's mean and vicious." But nooooo he's the sweetest thing ever I promise.

Im still a little mad that he's gonna be late but it gives me more time to get everything ready. I ran out the store and put everything into my baby blue Jeep. I hopped in and started to drive to our mansion in the estate that Mattia and I share. I told him that we didn't need such a big house since it's only us and occasionally the boys whenever they decide to come over.

I turned on "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and made my way through the roads. The traffic was absolutely shit but I still made it there in good time. About  ten minutes.

I got inside the house and set everything in my room, went to the kitchen, and started to cook dinner. I was making chicken parmesan spaghetti with roasted vegetables and garlic bread. I got the chicken and seasoned it to put in the oven. I set the oven to 400 degrees and went to the sauce. I got the four cheese tomato sauce and poured it in a bowl with garlic salt and shredded pepper skins. I mixed it up and put it in the microwave for two minutes and mixed again. I made the spaghetti noodles and waited for my chicken to get done.

I was waiting and got another call.

Monkey bitch❤️🖐🏼 is calling...

Wtf.. I thought

I answered.

K: hey bitch wassup
Ale: dude shut the fuck up before I beat your ass.
I'm not fucking with you. Literally shut your annoying ass up right now.
If you yell one more time I'm gonna chop your fucking head off.
K: uhh ale? Are you good over there?
Ale: oh shit kairi I'm so sorry, i didn't know I called you.

I went to go say it's okay but I heard two really loud girls laughing their fucking ass off. Then I heard a very familiar voice.


K: uhh ale, is mattia there?
Ale: uhh no why?
K: oh okay I was just wondering. Byeee!
Ale: bye biyatch.

That son of a bitch!
That was mattia!
And he lied!
What is he doing?!
He should be home!!!!

I just waited for mattia to come home while I cooked the rest of the dinner. I added the sauce on the chicken and showered it with parmesan cheese.

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