Run, Help And Join

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I decided to make a actual story and boom with Feitan and not Chrollo?! heh yea i'm not only simping for Chrollo but Feitan now YEAY. Also the name of this book ("And We Run") is based off of this song. soooo. hopefully enjoy. >.> 


"Ugh i've had enough of this dam house i should be allowed to move out im 24 mom!" i shout to her, my older brother and dad walks over and push me on the couch and continue yelling. "you need a job and not that lame café job a better job that pays you alot more." i sat there in anger. "Just shut up! the only way i would make money is if i go and rob a bank or steal high paying stuff like that up coming Auction thats next month." i laughed as my father slaps me across the face. "no daughter is becoming a thief or a criminal.

As a police officer i shall not allow such heinous things or thoughts in this house you got it!." i let out a grumble and nod. i get up and walk to my room. i slammed the door and lock it and flop onto my bed. " Ugh i hate it here i just want to leave and run away. find a place that would take me in and care.

i dont even have a boyfriend. ugh this sucks." i then sit up and start packing my bags of clothes and things i need. i climb out my window and down the vines and start running.

Its been about an hour i've gotten pretty far from home. I slide into a park and sit down on a bench until. i hear a voice from 2 people. I over hear there conversation about something about there boss calling a meeting and about the Auction next month and how there gonna steal from there and something along the lines of i hope we get to kill as well. hearing that sent chills up my spine.

I go to get up to leave then i hear sirens in the distance and heard on the speaker, "Y/n your under arrest! and coming with us." I panic and turn to run to bump into the short looking guy. knocking us both on the ground.

The other taller guy with a tracksuit on, looking down at me. The Police run towards me. Then I look to the guys and spoke out in a panic. "P-please help me i don't want to go back home. please!" the boy who i was still on top of, let out a annoyed "Tsk" and looks to the taller man and they both nod the smaller male got up and grabbed me and runs off with me as the other guy dealt with the police officer.

We got to a safe place and i was out of breath. I looked to the man who was then texting his friend? "I um...Thank you for helping me out." He stays silent and then finally looks to me. " why you out late?" he finally says, i rub the back of my head. " Well um i ran away from home. I don't ever want to go back my father must of found out i wasn't there and called the police and is most likely looking for me he's a police officer as well." he stares at me.

" Why you no want to go back?" he says. i tell him. "im 24 and my parents refuse for me to move and told me that a café doesn't pay nothing. i then argued saying, id make millions if i stole money or treasures and joked about going to the Big Auction next month, saying id go and steal valuables there. He was furious about me joking about that.

"i then smirk and turn to the man and told him something thank makes him smirk as well. " thats why next month im going there and taking everything. even if i have to murder." the boy then lets out a small "heh" i look at him confused. "What is it? did i say something odd?, oh wait i just told you what i was gonna do, crap im not good with keeping things to myself." the boy then holds out his hand. " Name is Feitan. and you might want to come with me to the base to meet boss." I stood there in silence then take his hand, " Im y/n...and also boss?."

He then drags me away and brings me to a old run down building and walk in with him. i look around and then we entered the big room with others inside. They all looked and stared at me. i get a little nervous and slide behind Feitan. " I uh h-hi?!" i awkwardly say. they stay silent until someone broke the silence, a boy with blond hair walks over, " Who is this Feitan a new toy for you to torture?" the blond hair boy said in a slight awkward smile. "Tsk no Phinks and I just happend to bump into her and she then asked for help which as you can tell we did."

as we stood there i filled in telling them why i ran away and what my goal was. when they herd this they all smirk and grin. as i was about to say something another Male voice can be heard.

"Well if that is your goal, why not Join us." i turn to see a male who dear lord looks really dam attractive, his hair slicked back and has a tattoo on his head walks over to me. " I'm Chrollo Lucilfer the boss of this the Phantom Troupe. How about it you wanna join us?." I stood there in shock. wait did he say Phantom Troupe?!

oh no what have i gotten myself into i thought to myself, but with them i can stay here and help out. i looked at Chrollo dead in the eyes and held out my hand. "I will join. I will not let you down. i swear." he then smiles in astonishment. "Alright you are now a member welcome." i smile. "now then Feitan give y/n her tattoo." i walk over to Feitan who then leads me to another room.

The blonde boy from before walks in and smiles. "Hey y/n i just came to say welcome, My name is Shalnark and if you need to no anything im your guy." i smile, nod thanks i'll take your word on that. he laughs and walks out. "Where you want tattoo? i look to him. and look at my body. i remove my pants and sat down. "my upper leg right here." His face goes bright red and stays silent and does the tattoo.

after a while he finishes. " Its done." i look at it, and then to him and thank him. " tsk just put your pants on. and fallow me. to your room for now." i put my pants one and fallow him to a room that was about the size of my actual room back home. and the bed looked good the walks where a emerald green color. which you find was alright. you walked in and smile wow its nice. i walk to the bed and sat down. as i let out a yawn. it was a long night and was tierd. " get some rest Y/n i'll come get you in the morning." with that he leaves. i laid there and smile.

" i found my new home."

(Feitan X Reader) And We RunHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin