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Warning!! Manga spoilers!!

About you
Name: (F/n) Ukai
Age: 3
Gender: female
Height: 37.0" (94cm)
Weight: 31.5 lb (14.2 kg)
Loves: her crow plush (plush name),her father (obliviously), her grandma, food, attention, going on adventures, bedtime stories, meeting new people although she will be shy meeting them, being wrap like a burrito with a (f/c) blanket.
Hates: being away from her dad, very loud places (even though she's loud herself- ), boring people, rude people.

(F/n) = first name
(Y/n) = your name
(P/n) = plush name
(F/c) = favourite colour
(F/f) = favourite food
(F/d) = favourite drink
(N/n) = nick name
(H/l) = hair length
(H/c) = hair colour
(E/c) = eye colour

Your backstory.
Ukai Keishin was married to a beautiful women named Himari  ( (meaning good hollyhock) sorry I didn't want to use (mother's name) bc it sounds weird like your mother married to ukai, right?), together they had you (y/n). You were born 5 days earlier then your birth date due (idk what's it called when your it's time to give birth...eh)

Himari was restocking the shelves while Keishin was sitting in the cashier spot, when Himari felt her water broke. She was going in labor. She then screamed calling Kaishin. He immediately came her way and picked her up and put her in the car, as drove to the hospital fast. As they got there Himari was rushed to the labor room, Keishin wasn't allowed in so she nervously waited outside sitting down on the couch. He was feeling a wave of mixed emotions:

Nervous- hopping the labor was going well since he can't be with Himari
Excited- he was going to meet he's daughter!!
Fear- worried for Himari and his new born

An hour had passed and the doctors came out and Keishin stood up from his seat as the doctor came his way.
"You way come in now" Keishin thanked the doctor and want inside to see Himari sitting in bed with you in her arms, you were wrapped in a (f/c) blanket like a burrito. He sat down in the chair next to Himari as she passed you to her, Keishin looked at you with joy while Himari looked at you two and smile as treats streamed down her face.


"Yes dear?" Keishin replied looking at her before holding her hand with his free hand the other one was holding you.

"Promise me that you will look after (y/n) for me?"

"Of course! Why would you say that? We're going to look after her together!" He said as she held her hand tighter

"Protect (y/n) from danger and give her all your love" she ignored his question

"I will" he answered as he went closer to her

"Thank you for everything Keishin, I love you. I love you two both!" Those were her last words to Keishin, she loosened her grip and relaxed her hand.


She's gone.

Doctors rushed in as Keishin stood there crying...he then looked down at you and he smiled at your sleeping figure.

A week later
He watched as Himari's coffin was being buried, he held (y/n) tight in his arms and looked down at her. She opened her eyes, her (e/c) orbs looking at her father, he smiled. Held you close to him
"I will protect you and give you all the love you need my sweet angel" he whispered making a tear fell on your cheeks as you giggled.

Edit: y'all- I just read y'all's comments and realised I spelled 'sweet' as 'sweat' JASMKSNSKSNSJSJI IM SO SORRY AAAAAHHAHAHA-
NEwayys- see y'all in chapter 14😃
Y'all it took me 3 months to realised thattttt- dayyyum, I'm stupid👁👅👁
Edit published: 6/12/20- I go to a British school so I write the day then month the year😗✌🏼
Edit words: 707
Oo~ 707-

Ok I have read a lot of haikyuu or mha x Child! Reader and I'm now obsessed!!
Anyways please excuse my horrible writing I tried to make it interesting, any who thanks for reading!!
I'll update soon!
Bye! 😗✌🏼
Date published:13/10/20

Edit: fun fact i was born 10 days earlier then my duedate 😗✌🏻
Edit: 652 words
Edit published: 22/11/20

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