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Lexie walked out of the house and smirked to herself as she saw Simon Car. She walked over to it and smirked as she got in

"your a bad influence mr lowsley" Lexie said as she leant in and kissed him. Simon smirked into the kiss as he pulled her dose and kissed her back before she pulled away and looked to him and smiled

"so where are we going?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled

"we need some time together" Simon said as he started the car and drove off. Lexie looked to him and smirked.

Lexie knew that she and Simon weren't meant to be together and she knew that they were sneaking around but she also knew that the sneaking around made her feel alive.

Before long, Lexie and Simon pulled up to a flat "where are we?" Lexie asked

"my flat, don't worry no one is in" he said as she looked to him and nodded. Lexie stood from the car and smiled.

Lexie knew that she was falling in love with Simon and she also knew that there was nothing that she could do to stop it and she didn't want to but she was scared that she was going to end up hurt and Lexie knew she couldn't bare it if he ended up breaking her heart especially if he chose sue over her

Lexie sighed to herself as she stood in the corridor as she got to school the next morning. She and Simon had been having sex all night and it had got rough and she was sore. Esmè walked over to Lexie and frowned

"you look like crap" Esmè said as Lexie looked to her and rolled her eyes "well thanks, I'm fine I'm just sore" Lexie said as Esmè looked to her and smirked

"oh sex injuries, how I am actually jealous of you" Esmè said

"your the pregnant one" Lexie said as Esmè looked to her and nodded

"I am aware but I'm not getting any action, you need to be careful with twinkle especially if sick bag finds out" Esmè said as Lexie smiled

"she doesn't scare me, she is a no one who's daddy had to get her the job. I really think I'm falling for him Esmè" Lexie said as Esmè looked to her and smiled

"you falling in I love? Who would of thought. You really need to be sure, sure he won't hurt you as I'm worried that he is using you and that he will just end up going back to her" Esmè said as Lexie looked to her and nodded

Lexie knew that Esmè was right, but Lexie knew that she wanted to be more than just sex to Simon. She wanted more

Lexie walked into simons office and smiled as she looked to him "can we talk?" She asked as he nodded, he sat back in the chair as she walked over and sat on the side of his desk

"you know what we are doing it's classed as wrong, I'm the pupil and your the teacher but it doesn't feel wrong. I need to know am I just sex to you" Lexie asked as he looked to her and smiled as he took her hand in his

"your not, you mean everything to me" Simon said as Lexie looked to him and nodded

"I think I'm falling in love with you"

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