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Lexie walked downstairs. She saw Esmè sitting there. Lexie looked at her. "Where's mum?" She asked.

Esmè sighed. "She went to Mr Budgen's funeral. We were asked to go. But didn't think we should," she said.

Lexie nodded. "Yep. I don't do funerals. They're not cool at all."

Esmè smiled. "Let's go. I told mum that we would be at school before she got back," she told her.

The two sisters arrived at school. Esmè looked at Lexie. "Try and behave would ya?"

"No promises Es."

Lexie walked inside. She saw Simon and smiled. "You're still here. Didn't think you would."

Simon rolled his eyes. "I have a wedding to pay for. I'm not being driven away from my work by a silly little school girl."

Lexie winked. "You weren't saying that before were you? Honestly sir. Just admit it. You want me."

"Lexie stop this. You're a student. Nothing is ever going to happen between us. I'm not letting it."

"We'll see."

Lexie was walking down the corridor with Dynasty and Kacey. They saw a girl standing outside the office. "Miss Boston told me she would help me."

"Erm why are you talking about Miss Boston?" The girl asked.

Lexie rolled her eyes. "Why are you bothered?"

"Because she's my mum actually."

Lexie was shocked. She looked at Eve and frowned. Dynasty scoffed. "You're lying. Miss Boston's two girls are Lexie and Esmè. They don't know any Eve."

Lexie pinned eve against the wall. "You're some little scam artist bitch. We don't share a mother. You want to hope Esmè doesn't find out about your lies."

Nikki saw Eve and Lexie fighting. She ran over to break it up. "Stop it! Just stop it!" She yelled as she pulled Lexie off of Eve.

Lexie pushed Nikki off her. "You're a lying bitch. Who the hell is Eve?!"


"No! Who the hell is Eve?! Is she your daughter? Cause if you've been lying to me my whole life, I will kill that little cow."

Nikki was shocked. She couldn't believe how Lexie was reacting. She took her into the cooler. "Eve. Stay there."

Esmè ran into the cooler when she heard what had happened. She looked at Lexie. "What the hell is going on?" She asked.

"Mum here has another daughter. Her name is Eve. She's a skank."

Esmè looked at their mum. "Tell me she's lying. Mum! Tell me that she's lying!"

"I'm sorry."

Lexie scoffed. "I'm done with you."

Later on that day, Lexie was getting drunk under the stage. The door opened and Simon walked in.

He smiled and sat down next to her. "Nikki told me. Are you okay?" He asked.

Lexie sighed. "Why do you care? You've ignored me for days now. Why bother now?"

Simon looked at her. "Because you've had a big shock Lex. You're going to need someone to talk to."

"I have Esmè. She's pissed at mum too. I'll talk to Esmè."

Simon nodded. "Yeah but Esmè has her own stuff going on. She's having a baby. She might not need this stress," he said.

Lexie glared. "You don't know me and you don't know Esmè. So just piss off!"

Lexie went to walk off when Simon grabbed her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

Lexie kissed him back. Simon pulled away. "If we do this. We keep it quiet. No one can ever know."

Lexie nodded. But could she keep an affair with her teacher quiet?

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