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Lexie Boston is the youngest daughter of Nikki Boston. She is a wild child and is always getting into trouble. Nikki is always talking her little fo trouble, Lexie can never get in any trouble. Simon lowsley is the deputy head, he is annoyed by Lexie and her wild ways and he decides that he is going to come down hard on Lexie but Lexie isn't happy about that especially when it means that she has to spend all her free time around him

Lexie doom decides to use it to her advantage and she starts to seduce Simon, she knows that if he wants to spend so much time together she will use it to her advantage but with Lexie also sleeping with Barry Barry to Will Simon get jealous and decide how much he really wants Lexie Especially when she seems to be getting on his last nerve?

A/N; I own Lexie Boston and any children she has. Esmè Boston and any children she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_ everything else belongs to the producers of Waterloo road

Published; 17th March 2020

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