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Lexie walked into the kitchen and looked to see Nikki and sighed as she looked to her

"what do you want" Lexie asked as Nikki frowned

"don't cut that attitude with me miss, we need to talk, we need to talk over the pregnancy and what you are going to do" Nikki said as Lexie looked to her and frowned.

"What I am going to do? I am having this baby, I know that this isn't going to be easy but it's my body and it's my decision" Lexie said

"you are wild Lexie, you are out of control and you are in no way ready to have a baby and you need to accept that. You have to decide if you are going to have a termination or adoption" Nikki said as Lexie looked to her and glared. Lexie was annoyed over how Nikki was trying to tell her what to do

"I am going to have this baby. It is my body and it's my decision and you can't tell me what to do Esmè is pregnant and you can support her so why can't you support me. I know what it is, you think of how bad that it makes you look. Because it's all about you" Lexie spat as she walked off

Lexie walked into simons office and looked to him

"what happened" he asked as he saw the look on her face as she looked to him and sighed

"my mother happened she is trying to do all she can to stop me keeping this baby, but it's my body and it's my decision and it's our baby and it's no one's decision but our own decision and I know it won't be easy but is it too much to ask for her support through this" Lexie asked as Simon looked to her and smiled

Simon could see how angry that Lexie was. He walked over to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"i know how angry that you are and I know how Nikki is and I am here and she doesn't matter as we are going to do this together and we don't need her. I know it's hard but I am here for you" Simon said as Lexie looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

"I really don't know what I'd do without you as I love you" Lexie said as Simon looked to her and smiled

"well it's a good job that I am going no where" he said as she smiled

Lexie sat in her bed as esme walked into the room and looked to her and smiled "are you okay" esme asked as Lexie sighed

"everything is a mess and I hate it" Lexie said as esme got into bed next to her and smiled as she looked to her

"I know that things are hard but I am here for you and everything is going to be okay" esme said as Lexie looked to her sister and smiled.

Esme knew her sister was trying to be there for her and be positive but Lexie felt like things were far from okay and it terrified her

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