13 Reasons Why

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Hello friends it's me

And today is an AU of 13 Reasons why

Get your tissues ready, because I am going into detail

FWI Italics are thoughts,

Now lets get on with it!


The day was bleak and dark, not that blue haired girl minded. Never had she ever felt at peace with the weather, usually it was always bright and sunny. Picking up her hand as she traced the window leaving her name that, was then washed off as the rain continued to fall onto the window. Marinette sighed, her life was once good before everything turned dark and painful. No one paid attention to her as they used to, many hurt her as if she weren't there, as if she deserved it. No one would care if she wasn't there anymore, they act as if she wasn't, so why not cut them off some slack and do it for them.

Her friends grew distant, as her 'best friend' chose a side, so did her 'brother' and her ex-crush. She never cried, not anymore, her body and mind were exhausted, she would always questioned herself as to why she wasted any tears for them. It's not like they ever care or everything would go back to they way it was. No one loved her, every one just leaves eventually, her parents don't have anytime for her as her 'friends' never invite her anywhere. After all she was a nobody, slut, a bi*ch, worthless waste of space in many instances. Shutting down her phone, she climbed down from her bed, as her feet touch the cold floor, she felt nothing her body was numb. Her hand went up to her ears, no studs. She gave them away, she would miss Tikki really, but as of everyone else, she doesn't care, she won't forgive nor forget.

She made her way to the opposite side of the room where her pink bag sat, too much pink, she pulled out rope and begun to do what she always wanted to do, release her pain. Sabine was with her husband, watching the news when her eyes then flickered to her daughter's room. Wondering why the light was turned off (because she can see through the gap it the light was on or off) she stood up and went to the bottom of the staircase calling out her name. When she got no reply she began to climb the stairs towards her daughter's room, as she opened the hatch, Sabine realise that it too dark and quiet, even for her daughter. She quickly flicked on the light, as soon as she did, she let out a bloodcurdling scream. 

There in front of her was her daughter hanging lifelessly, the mother's scream got the attention of the father, who began to call the police and ambulance, while trying to hold back tears. Back in the girl's room, the mother untied her daughter and brought her lifeless body closer to the petite women. Her cries rung through out the room as she held her daughter for dear life, her daughter, her sweet baby girl, committed suicide. Why? Why would she do this? Why did it have to be her? Sabine cried as she realised that she wasn't going to see her daughter get married, have kids, become a fashion designer. Sabine didn't have the strength to fight the police and medics as her daughter was pried out her arms, she then collapsed in arms of her husband, as both of them cried their eyes out at the realisation, that Marinette, their baby girl was gone from the world. 

~Time skip to school

Not many knew about the death of the bluenette girl, but many did question why the bakery was closed. Many thought it was going to be an ordinary day, Marinette stuttering out an excuse as she barged into class late. But he bell had rung long time ago as they waited for their teacher to come into class. They all thought Ms Bustier would come in all happy, filled with motherly warmth, instead they were faced to a tearstained teacher, with red puffy eye. 

Her mouth quivered, she shook slightly, but gathering up her confidence she stood up tall and with a hush whisper she said, "Marinette committed suicide." No one said a word, none could comprehend the fact that their, 'everyday ladybug' killed herself. Many of the girls in the class broke down, and many guys tried to console them, while trying to be strong for themselves. While part of the class cried a blond, green eyed boy, sat still in his seat, staring off into space, he couldn't think. 'No my princess isn't dead, she couldn't be' without realising it a single tear fell from his eye as he lost the person who made him feel warm and home. 

~Time skip to the funeral

Many have been to funerals, but this one felt different, many mourners were still and silent as others were crying quietly. After the bluenette's death the school became quiet, student wouldn't really talk as often as they would. The death affected them and they knew it, the City of love fell silent, the weather was also gloomy. The class stood off to the side, waiting for their turn to pay respect for there dead friend, not realising they were the cause of her death. They watched as the family of Marinette gather around the coffin, placing in toys, flowers and notes. They watched as Manon and Nadia fell to the ground along side with Marinette's grandfather and mother cry over the girl they grew accustomed to. 

Manon taking it the hardest as her babysitter was gone, no more games and cookies from her, despite the age, she loved her like an older sister. The class silently whimpered as they approached the open coffin. Many wouldn't dare to look at the dead girl's peaceful face as the payed respect to the girl. Adrien just stared, at the girl, taking in all the details, how her body being fully clothed in a beautiful light pink dress, that splayed inside the small frame of the coffin. The small restful smile that played among her rosy red lips, how her hands clasped each other. How her hair framed her face perfectly in a fishtail braid. She looked so peaceful even though she was gone. He missed her vibrant, dark eyes that always captivated him, alluring him into mystery and love.

He missed it all, he couldn't even tell her how he felt about her. His father and Natalie barely got him out of his room, even though he barely eats or sleep. His life became dark again, first his mother, now the only girl that brought warmth into his heart was gone. Why did it have to happen to him, everyone he loves are gone, left him. He felt numb, he continued to stare at the girl in the coffin, the girl that showed him love and affection. 

Adrien saw the charm he gave her on her birthday, wrapped around her right wrist. He let out a whimper as he reached down in her pocket for the charm she gave him. He traced the bracelet with his thumb, remembering when she gave it to him. The warmth of her smile that could light the room, her warm hugs and how she always smelled like cookies. But that was all lost, like when his mother died.

As the day went by slowly, many people left the grave of the beloved girl, Adrien being the last one to leave, tear still flowing. Yet many would soon find out the reason why Marinette was now 6ft under.


That's a wrap today,

I am sorry but I won't be able to update a lot, so bare with me as I have school.

Thank you,


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