Soulmates AU

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Hello Friends it's me,

This is my first one shot,

Hope you enjoy!


Soulmates are not a new thing in Paris, the City of Love. It is excepted that you do have a soulmate and that you would find them during your high school years. Though that's not the case for miraculous holders, some meet at younger ages, which is considered rare.

Marinette and Adrien, first met when they were around the age of 5, when Adrien's mother decided they should go to the newly opened bakery for a small treat. Little Adrien, looked curiously around the shop, at the sweets surrounding him. The smell of freshly baked goods circulated the air around him. His mother then stopped at the counter, him being shorter than the counter, he stepped back but still stuck close to his mother. 

He gazed up at the women before him, he was vaguely aware that his maman, was having a conversation. That was until a soft nudge for his mother's knee broke him out of his reverie. Adrien looked up at his mother's smiling face, "Adrien, this is one of my best friends, Sabine, who owns this bakery." He looked at the women again, "Hello Adrien, it's nice to finally meet you." He replied with a small wave, before hiding behind his mother's leg.

"He's a bit shy." Emilie replied while running her hand over his sun kissed hair. He continued to glance around until, it landed on a glass case filled with croissants. Adrien reached up a tugged on the hem of his mothers blue dress, she glanced down and asked, "What is it, my kitten?" he then pointed to the croissants. With a knowing look from her, she turned back to the Chinese women and asked for some croissants. 

While he waited patiently for his mother, his ears perked up at a melodious sound, came from above. He looked at his maman, he's not the only one to hear the sound, Sabine smiled at the two, and allowed her self to flow with the music. The song came to a halt, Sabine opened her eyes, and turned to the blonde duo. "My daughter, loves to play piano and that was one piece that I have yet to identify." As soon as those words left her lips, a blur of blue dashed in front of her mother. 

"Maman! Maman, did you hear, I cowmposed a song!" (my spelling isn't bad, she is five years old and I am terrible at writing like a five year old😂). "I did ma petite coccinelle, Marinette, here is the women I talked about before, Emilie." Marinette looked back at a beautiful blond women, who's face held a warm smile. "Hello Miss Emilie, my name is Marinette!" "Hello Marinette, it's nice to meet you, I want you to meet my son, Adrien." 

Emilie pushed Adrien in front of her, as Marinette got closer to the shy boy. "Hi Adrien," he replied with a polite hello, before looking back at his mother. "Adrien why don't you go play with your new friend, while I talk with Sabine." Before he could reply, Marinette took him by the hand and dragged him up the stairs, to her room.

As soon as they reached the pink room, Marinette shut the trap door, before going over to one of the drawers, and pulling out a colouring book. Marinette placed down to the book along with some colouring pencils and markers. Adrien stood awkwardly in the corner of the room, while Marinette began to colour. Sensing his shyness, Marinette looked up and asked, "Do you want to colour with me?" He replied with a timid nod, he shuffled towards her, before lying down beside her and colouring with her. 

He begun to warm up, to her quirkiness and allowed himself to relax, to be honest, he never had a play date. Even though he only meet Chloe, they never really played anything. So, this was new to him. As time passed, the two children we engrossed in an unfinished cat and ladybug image, that they didn't realise that their parents were there. 

As soon as they finished their mural, the dreaded words were heard, "Adrien, it's time for us to head home to papa" Marinette and Adrien looked at each other in horror, Marinette then had the idea of making Adrien hiding in the small closet. So he did, he hid in the small closet, through the gap in the closet he could she his mother question his location with fake desperation. He really did try to be quite but that all came to an end when his mother opened the closet door, and he came tumbling out. 

He then rushed toward Marinette crushing her petite frame in a bone crushing hug. He shook his head, not wanting to let Marinette go. His mother then gently came towards his and pried him off the little girl. He refused to look at her, "mon petit chaton, look at me, we will come back so that you could spend some time with your new friend." "Prowise" "I promise" With that she ruffled her head and stepped away to reveal Marinette who held the last picture they coloured. "Here Adrien, I wanna give it to you." "Thank you, Marinette." With one final hug, the blonde duo departed the bakery, only for that promise to break when they were 8 years old.

~Time skip to when they are 16 yeas old!~

Marinette signed for the tenth time that day, when would Adrien realise that they were soulmates. She figured out a while back, when Adrien decided to play a piece of music that she was familiar with. The music that she played when they first had met at age of five. She looked out the window, beside her and decided to play the piece again. The music allowed her to be calm, she played the first note, then the second, soon music filled the room, making it's way to the class. 

Adrien, looked up from his conversation with the boys, to hear the piece. He swore he heard it once before, when he was young, but he only recalled it when he played it for Marinette. He glanced around the room at his classmates faces, each one etched with curiosity, as to who was playing that piece of music. Alya wanting to film and post it on the blog, she dashed out of the room, heading straight to the music room. The others and Adrien followed in pursuit, coming to a halt at the door of the music room.

Everyone was gobsmacked, that the designer knew how to play piano, and was quite talented much to Chloe's disappointment.  Adrien froze, he remembered the song now, Marinette first played it when he went to the bakery with his mother. That day he recalled the vague notes that flowed from the second floor. He walked through the doors and seated himself, next to Marinette and started to play the deeper end of the piano. 

Marinette let out a shaky gasp, as she glanced at the person that entered the room, Adrien turned to face her a soft smile grazed his lips as he continued to play. Both Marinette and Adrien continued to play the heart felt music, making their classmates wonder what on earth was happening. Soon the minds of the students clicked in and they realised that this was a soulmate bond ( with the exception of Chloe)

As the song continued to a slow but beautiful close, both teenagers faced each other. Adrien spoke first, "Marinette, I was so stupid to realise that you were their right in front of me. I should have guessed it easily, when I played the exact same song to you." "Adrien it's alright, I figured it out the day you played, but what I was most concerned about was if you forgot the day we met."

"Marinette how could I forget they day we met, you literally hid me in the closet." They both shared a laugh at the memory, Adrien then cupped Marinette's cheek as a light blush dusted their cheeks. They both leaned in until their lips touched, it was a soft, curious kiss when they both pulled away, they leaned in so their foreheads were touching. "Be mine Marinette, be my girlfriend." He whispered while looking at her, Marinette replied by hugging him and letting out a breathy yes. 

The classmates outside, erupted into cheers as a red faced Chloe stormed outside, shrieking that she wasn't her Adrikins soulmate. But for the two new lovebirds, it was simply miraculous. 


And that's a wrap for today,

Hope to see you again next time.

FYI coccinelle means Ladybug!


Miraculous AU/Salt one shots ~On Hold~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ