When we first met

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Hello friends it's me,

And today is an adrienette Aladdin AU,

For the sake of the story, based on the live-action remake.

Tikki = Dalia (Personal Maid), Trixx = Rajah (Tiger), Hawkmoth = Jafar (Advisor), Xuppu = Abu (Monkey) and Plagg = Genie

FWI = Hawkmoth and Adrien are not related!

Setting = Agrabah* cause I don't know how to incorporate the story tradition to Chinese tradition😥

Hope you enjoy!


When Marinette was young, her mother, Sabine told her tales of mysteries and stories of the people. Marinette, was always intrigued with the way her mother worded the stories. Queen Sabine was the most beloved queen that ruled over the land, with her husband King Tom. Alas all good things come to an end. One night when the moon was out and that stars danced above the gleaming palace, the king and queen were asleep in their chambers. 

An assassin, dressed in black, stood on the roof taking in the beautiful midnight landscape. With a bow and arrow in his hand, he skid down from the roof to the open balcony. Inside he saw the two royals asleep. Aiming the arrow in his hand, he released it, piercing the heart of the queen, the assassin left, before being spotted. There laid the dying queen, grasping the hand of her king, while he tried to reassure her that she would make it for him and for their daughter.

The queen smiled up at her love before saying, "No my love, I must go, I love you with all my heart, tell Marinette that I love her and that I would wish to see her grown up, into a beautiful girl she will be, when she will get married. We will see each other, again, and I can't wait to see you and our daughter again. Protect my flower, my love for me please." With one last shaky breathe, the queen's hands went limp, as her lover cried for his loss. 

When the princess woke up to go greet her mother and father, she met with a distraught sight. Her father looked over at her scooping her up in his arms hugging her tight to his chest. Marinette glanced over at her mother, who laid in bed peacefully, she looked back to her father, "Mama?" she questioned, her father burst into more tears. "Mama is no longer with us, my little desert blossom." With that the little girls lip quivered and she cried onto her father shoulder, the cries rung out throughout the castle. (I cried when writing that).

As years went by the king never remarried, but did fulfil the queen's wish, even if it meant that the princess would never step into the outside world. During the bluenette's years in her life, her father acquainted a personal maid to the future heiress. Tikki and Marinette stayed close together as they grew up together. When they were beginning to grow close, the young princess adopted a tiger cub, naming her Trixx. As time went by the princess, grew into a beautiful maiden, capturing the hearts of many princes, just like how her mother imagined.

Her porcelain white skin, contrasted with her unique bluebell eyes. Her mid-length midnight hair, fell across her shoulders, as she stared out the balcony, deep in thought as she petted her tiger. Meanwhile, in the city of Agrabah, a young handsome man, with sun-kissed blond hair, was out on the run. Adrien was a street kid, when he was born, he never knew his parents, all he had company was his pet monkey, Xuppu. In order to survive both them steal from the open market, which leads us to their position.

Xuppu, being an intelligent monkey, distracted to guards as his owner ran away from being captured. As soon as they both lost the guards in the maze of the city, Adrien had a loaf of bread in hand, while resting on his shoulder, was his monkey friend. Breaking a piece of for his little animal friend, they both stopped near a corner, just as Adrien was about to place his piece in his mouth, he heard as small whimper below him. Looking down he noticed a small family, consisting of two children and a mother. Letting out a heavy breathe, and gave the loaf to the small family, not before messing up the little boys hair and leaving, with a grumpy monkey, who gave his piece to the little girl. 

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