Badass Felinette

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Hello friends it me,

So this is my first request from @xXcheeryXx2918

Italics are thoughts!

Hope you enjoy

BTW: First Felinette one shot!


Another day in the city of love, well for Marinette more like the city of hell. Lila, was all she heard from school, Lila this, Lila that, everything f*cking thing is about her. Even the dumbass teachers take her side, apart from Miss Mendeleiev, the only teacher with common sense in that sh*t hole. Marinette woke up early to get ready, true to her word Lila, turned everyone's backs on her. 

Marinette looked in the mirror, always contemplating about whether or not going to school, every other class with brain cells know about Lila's lies, so they tend to stay away from every brawl that broke out, during lunch and recess. Marinette changed or as other students would say turned. Everyone knew to stay away when getting her mad. 

After brawls broke out sometime after the starting of the year, the blunette would train in parkour, karate, gun training you name it. She experienced fighting, during the times she would fight hawkmoth, so she had a small build, wanting to show that she wasn't the same doormat as she was before, so Marinette changed.

Which bring us to her new choice of clothing. Red and Black, her ladybug persona grew on her, so in other words she is now badass.  

(No earrings duh)

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(No earrings duh)

After stuffing her bag with a few cookies for Tikki, she went down stairs, where her parents were. Her parents already were aware of the lies spewing from the Italian's mouth, so they did question when she changed, but after she vented to her parents of the current issues, they allowed her to change, as long as her behaviour wasn't used in the household. (BTW, parents made sure no akumas' got into the house, also her ex-friends were banned from the bakery)

As she quickly ate her breakfast, went thorough all her books, to see if she completed her homework and assignments. Just cause she is badass doesn't mean she isn't a good student. Her grades increased, not just because her classmates decrease, but because she vowed herself that she would complete her work and not procrastinate. Everyone apart from the akuma class turned a 180 in a couple of months. 

As Marinette departed the bakery, students who arrive early were huddled into a large group, despite Marinette hating large groups around Lila, this was different, this wasn't her stupid classmates. Wanting to take a closer look, she walked towards the group, almost everyone cleared a path for her as she walked through towards the centre. She was met with green eye's not bright like Agreste's. 

Every student looked between the two afraid what would happen. Marinette cleared her throat, sticking out her hand, "Marinette, my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you are?" The boy took her hand giving it a firm shake before replying, "Félix Graham de Vanily" "Oh, so your the spineless Agreste's cousin." "Yes, I never thought to admit this, but you are the only person I ever met that was never infatuated by my cousin." Looking at her in the eye, he noticed that they may have been a beautiful bluebell shade, but their was a certain spark missing. "Ohh, I once was, until a certain liar, turned the entire class on me, and you sh*t cousin, abandoned me basically naming me as an unimportant person."

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