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"Okay, what does the abbreviation SPQR mean?" Char asked, as she grabbed another doughnut from the pink and white Dunkin' Doughnut box.

"Senatus Populusque Romanus," Charlotte answered with a mouthful of the sweet, breakfast roll.

Char crossed her arms, "In English please?"

"The Senate and the People of Rome," she rolled her eyes.

Char nodded, "Good. Next question."

"Don't you think I know all of this already?" Charlotte asked impatiently, as she finished her last doughnut.

"Well, there is one way to find out," Char answered promptly.

Even though Charlotte always seemed to know practically everything about Ancient Rome, Char still was determined to find a question that she did not know the answer to.

"What is the name of a child born of a mortal and a god?" Char read out of her notes.

Charlotte tilted her head, "That's really in the book?"

Char flipped through a few more pages of her notebook. Her notes were neatly color-coded and marked with 'Post It' notes. "I mean, it's in my notes, so it had to have been in the book."

Charlotte stood steadily. Something seemed off with her.

"We better get to school," she said, packing up her light blue and black bag, completely ignoring the question. "We don't want to be late for the exam."

"You didn't answer the question though," Char protested.

Charlotte quickly zipped up her bag and flung it over her shoulder. She turned to face Char. "Demigod," she stated.

Char slammed her notebook shut, "Stop getting all of these correct!"

By the time she said that, Charlotte was already walking to the front door.

"Wait!" Char called, as she grabbed her bag and reached for one last doughnut. Disappointingly, the box was snatched away from her before she could grab one. Char watched the box get carried away from her.

"Mom," Char groaned. "One more?"

She tried making her eyes as cute as she could.

Her mother smirked, "Charming, but no. You two have practically inhaled the whole dozen. Besides, sugar will not help you study."

"Fine," Char grumbled, as she made her way to the front door.

Even though Char was a little hard on her mom, she still admired her more than anyone. She raised Char, alone, ever since her dad disappeared. When he did, it seemed to tear her mom up, but somehow, she always had a positive attitude around Char.

Charlotte turned to face them. "Thanks again for breakfast, Mrs. Hrobsky," she said.

"Oh, of course! Good luck on your exam! What's it on again? Ancient Greece?"

"Rome," Charlotte corrected.

"Oh right! Well, have a good day you two!" she called to them as they were walking out the door.

"Thanks Mom!" Char called back.

And then, they were off to school. 

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