Chapter 21:

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"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a second."

I walked to the bathroom and started pacing.

I didn't tell her that much... that would have to be... Toga. Shit.

I walked back out and saw her still on the couch.

"Hey, mom. I should probably go... I'll talk to you later."

"No, you should stay. We still have a lot of catching up to do, Izuku." She smiled, "you can talk until your lungs give out."

She stood up and turned back into Toga.

"You're a pretty good actress, Toga. But next time, stick to the script."

"You were supposed to open up more with your dear old mother."

"Where is she?"

"You think she would forgive you after what you've done? The people you've killed? All the blood on your hands?"

"At least I didn't kill my parents."

"Yeah, you're right... but that was just for fun."

She ran at me, I pushed her, then when she turned to slice again, I grabbed her wrist and twisted the knife out of her hand. She grabbed another one and sliced my arm, then I shoved her away. She smiled and licked the blood off her knife. She turned into me with a wicked smile on her lips. She ran at me again, I kicked her away.

"Is it like fighting your darker self? How does it feel?"

"Shut up."

"Come on, Midoriya. You know you can't hide from the league for long. We have your mom, now. Who do you think is next?"

"Toga, stop."

"This doesn't remind you of old times?" She giggled as she ran at me again. I grabbed her arm and pinned her to a wall, she changed back.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"I don't know..."

"Toga, I swear to god. If you don't tell me where she is I will break your arm."

"Falling into old habits, I see. They said she'll go free as long as you go alone. If you don't, they really will kill her. And then they'll kill you."

"Where are they hiding?"

"Better listen to the conditions... they aren't playing around." I pulled her arm tighter, "okay. They're at this old mansion in the woods. Pretty close to the school. You have until tomorrow night or she'll die."

I knocked her out and ran back to UA. I got there and went straight to Aizawa's classroom. He wasn't there, so I went to All Mights. There I saw both of them.

"Sorry to intrude."

"What's wrong?"

"They have my mom. They said I go alone or she dies, so I'm going. Alone."

"You can't honestly believe that is your best option."

"It's the only option. They want me dead, okay? They're going to get me one way or another. She is not going to die for me."

"When do you have to be there?"

"Tomorrow night, but she can't be there any longer than she has to."

"Take the night."

"That's not going to happen."

"Midoriya, you need to think about this. I understand it's your mother, but we can fight. We can help you."

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