Chapter 41

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Chapter 41…

Magneto's brotherhood has lasted just over six months. In the grand scheme of things, that was rather pitiful now that Erik considered it. Standing in the gravel driveway of a condemned cabin outside of Los Angeles, he also knew one other thing—even if he did survive this moment, his brotherhood surely wouldn't.

Beside him, Mystique gripped his hand, practically cutting off circulation. The girl was clearly afraid of whatever was about to occur, but more than that, she was confused. She didn't know what was really happening—in fact, neither did Hank and Alex as they stood to Erik's left and right.

Beside the Continental, Emma and Angel faced them—one woman in white, the other in black. As always, Emma gave no clue to what was going on underneath that pokerface. Beside her, Angel didn't hold the same impassive features, her face wrinkled with conflict. Nonetheless, both women were overshadowed by the man standing with them.

Azazel wasn't conflicted. He wasn't hiding his emotions, either. The man glared at Erik like a bull seeing red.

"You have committed treason against us, Erik," Azazel spoke, his voice much calmer than his expression. "Against your kind. We cannot excuse this."

"So what's the plan exactly?" Magneto replied. "Kill me and put my head on a spike?"

"That is an idea."

"Riptide made his choice. And I did as I promised. It's as simple as that."

"I wasn't talking about Riptide." On the other man's face, a tiny grin emerged.

For an instant, Erik felt a surge of confusion that was probably similar to Mystique's. But as that snide little grin continued to beckon him, Erik finally realized what Azazel was doing.

"No," Erik said as if the word itself was enough to stop the other man.

"Your telepath is dead," Azazel declared to everyone. "And Magneto…he is his killer."

Mystique's grip tightened as if intending to cause pain. She spun her eyes his way, glancing at him up and down as if not understanding what she was seeing. "Erik?" she whispered.

"He's lying," Erik replied. "That's not what happened—"

"He strapped the telepath to Cerebro for hours," Azazel kept on. "It was just too much."

"Charles isn't dead!" Erik shouted.

"Then where is he?" Azazel came back. "I don't see him here."

Mystique's lips trembled; she wanted to believe Erik. But everything was hitting her too fast. Hank and Alex's features were not nearly as bewildered. Both men glared at Erik like he was standing there with blood on his hands.

Azazel didn't have to convince them for long—just long enough to side against Erik or stay out of the way. Just long enough for Azazel to kill him. And with all the power Erik possessed, going up against Emma, Angel and the teleporter on his own were not odds he wished to play. Especially if he ended up having to fight off Mystique and the others not involved in all this anarchy.

Trying to hold his composure, Erik told Mystique, "Riptide attacked Charles. He went to the base while we were searching for you—"

"I tried to stop Erik," Azazel cut in. "I convinced Riptide to come with me—he got in Erik's way. Erik killed him for it."

"Riptide forced Charles onto Cerebro," Erik continued. "I intervened and took Charles to a hospital. He's fine."

"That's not how it happened, comrade—"

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