Chapter 29

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Chapter 29…

The marina was closed. Bernie had given Moira the list of yachts he'd scratched out, wished her luck, and left for the evening. Above, the California moon was almost as bright as sunlight. Sitting on a bench beside the marina's parking lot, Moira waited.

If they followed the same pattern Bernie had noticed, Erik and his band of mutants would have to return to the marina eventually to park their car. They wouldn't expect someone there for them—Moira would be a surprise. Of course, she still had no idea how to make that an advantage.

No headlights made their way to the marina. Just as Moira felt her eyelids drooping, she heard a pair of heavy footsteps stomping pavement. She snapped back to attention.

The man in front of her was dressed in casual attire—black slacks and turtleneck. But that didn't dampen the intensity of his eyes as he stared at Moira from the edge of the parking lot. His shoulders squared—his arms tensed at his sides.

"Shit," Moira was able to muster before she felt the bench underneath her give way.

With one swoop, her seat left her, her body flipping upwards. Below, the bench's metal legs contorted like a gymnast on a balance beam. She started to drop head-first towards the pavement, but an inch before impact, she slowed in mid-air. The metal beams had enveloped her, holding her still. Her hair flopped around her face.

"Where are they?" Erik asked as he approached her.

With a groan, Moira replied, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Like hell you don't."

Then, Moira felt herself floating away from the ground; her body rotated upright. Erik stood half a foot away, his face level with hers. His eyes practically glowed with rage. There was something else, however. Concern?

"I'll ask again," Erik said. "Where are they, Moira?"

Moira shook her head. Erik wasn't talking about Hank, Sean and Alex. He was talking about his band of mutants.

"I'm alone, Erik," Moira said. "I've been waiting for one of you to show up—that's it."

Despite his fury, the logic seemed to gradually seep into him. After all, it wasn't like Moira was capable of taking out one of his fellow mutants, and if she were with Hank, Sean and Alex, she certainly wouldn't be sitting at the marina, alone.

The rage on Erik's face faded to disinterest. Keeping Moira enfolded within the bench metal, he lowered her to the ground and then started to walk away.

"Where's Charles?" Moira called out.

His back to her, Erik halted. His shoulders slacked some; without looking, he replied, "He's not your concern, Moira. Go home."

"You're full of crap, you know that!" Moira shouted as she tried to free her arms. "Tell me where he is, Erik!"

The man angled his head to the sky as if listening to Moira was getting to be just too much. He could kill her with a little bit of mental focus. Instead, he began walking again, lowering his gaze and pretending like Moira wasn't sitting behind him on the pavement.

And there, she could do nothing. It didn't matter that she'd figured out where the mutants were; it wasn't like they had to hide. Not with their powers. She couldn't stop them—an army wouldn't stand much chance.

As Erik trekked further away, Moira shouted the only thing she could think of. "I'm at the Loma Vista Hotel! Just…please, bring Charles there! Please, Erik!"

Erik didn't even slow his pace. After a minute, however, the metal around Moira loosened, and she was able to wiggle out from her restraints. By then, Erik was gone.

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