munchies and a cart

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"Woah Kozume thats like your fourth slice" She laughed. Such a beautiful laugh. I kept staring at her, I had zoned out, for the millionth time in the past hour. "oh shit" I didn't realize how fast and how much I was eating. I usually have the smallest appetite ever so this was shocking. "your eyes are so low" she laughed. "what do you expect? it's your fault" she chuckled and took a bite of her pizza. "It was fun smoking with you. Let's do it more often" she offered. "why not" I grabbed my fifth slice. "you're gonna eat the whole pizza!" she slapped my hand. "owe!!"


next morning

I ran downstairs as I got the 'i'm outside' text from Kuroo.

"hey Kuroo" I greeted him with my eyes glued to my PSP. "don't 'hey Kuroo me" he was mad... "why did you skip practice and class yesterday?" he scolded me . "how do you know I skipped class?" I asked him looking up at him. "Yamamoto said you disappeared from Gym class." Second years class 2 and 3 had Gym at the same time. I forgot Yamamoto was in that class with me. "Whatever" I resumed my game. He rolled his eyes. "next time you're skipping volleyball club you better have a good excuse" , "sure"


Class was boring as always. I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. "I wanted to smoke again, I wanted to smoke with her again. Even tho my throat hurt afterwards I liked the feeling of being high. I knew she was in class 2, but I never really saw her outside of Gym class. "pssst blondie" I looked towards the door and saw a familiar figure there. "come" she mouthed signaling me to get out of class. The class was so boring and I was falling asleep, so why not?

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"don't take long Kozume"


"why did you call me?" I asked her. "I need your number. I'm not gonna come to your class every time I want to see you" she replied. "fine" I say as I typed my contact info in her contacts app. "put blondie as your name" she demanded. "my best friend calls me pudding head and you call me blondie" I commented. "you know what? I like pudding head better, change the contact name to that" Why did I even mention that?

"anyways I wanted to show you what I bought today" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the nearest janitors closet.

"why did you drag me here? Couldn't you show me where we were before?" I asked her. "Do you want me to get in trouble?" She shook her head while giggling. "oh gosh it's something illegal" I shook my head. "yup"

"she took out a thing that looked like a pencil from her bra"

"she took out a thing that looked like a pencil from her bra"

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"Nice right" she said as she showed me. "wanna try it? It's a cart, It'll get you high. Not like actual weed high but get you a little high if you take a hit" she explained. "I'll take one hit" I accepted her offer.

"Ok keep it in your mouth until I tell you to stop" I nodded.

"Keep going"

"Keep going"

"Keep going"

"Keep going"

"Keep going"


As I stopped I started to caught again. Ugh I hate this. This cough was worse than last time I feel to my knees I felt so weak. I felt like I was going to pass out. "Sorry pudding head I forgot to bring water" she said as she ruffled my hair.

"Do you feel it?" She asked me when I stopped coughing. I felt it, I was high, but I wasn't high like last time. "Yes"

"Oh yeah I forgot to show you" she took her phone out and showed me a picture of a ziplock bag bull of weed. "I have it in my backpack right now" she said with a smile. "You wanna get high later today" she offered. I almost said yes, but I wasn't going to skip volleyball club again. I didn't want to let my team mates down again.

"I can't, I have volleyball club after school" I rejected her offer. "Can you smoke after volleyball club?" I always go back home with Kuroo, I didn't want to leave him alone like yesterday. "I want to, but yesterday I left my friend ride the public transport by himself and we always ride it together" I confessed. "aww, you're a good friend" she said before taking a hit off her cart. I blushed.

"well, if you want to smoke. Just text me. Im going back to class" she walked out of the closet.


I went back to class 3 minutes before it ended, the teacher didn't seem to care. "kenma!!" Kuroo stood outside my classroom waving at me. "hey kuroo" I said softly, I was high. You could tell from my eyes. "Kenma are you sick?" he asked concerned taking a look at my face. "nope just high" I said as I took my PSP out. It was lunch time and I just felt the need to sit down and relax or something.

"How'd you get high?" I regretted telling him because now he was going to start interrogating me. Kuroo, like me doesn't know anything about cannabis. "my friend let me hit her cart" I replied. "who on the team smokes?" He knew I didn't have any other friends outside of the team, well that was until yesterday...

"She's not on the team" I chuckled. "So now you have a friend from outside of Volleyball club, and it's a girl?" he raised his eyebrows. "her name is y/l/n, I met her in gym class" I explained. "Gym class? Is she the reason why you skipped class and practice yesterday?" He wasn't going to let that go. Kuroo is a nerd that takes school and practice very seriously. I'm thankful tho, because of him I've never failed a class, he always explains everything to me.

"It's not gonna happen again" I told him. "you better not skip practice again if you don't have a good excuse"

"sure whatever"

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