Chapter VIII

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Distance proves to be the worst when it takes Connor actually telling him for Caesar to know. It's an unexpected development, and he berates himself for not seeing it, for not encouraging him on the process. And now it's just here, like a bad writer adding something random to their story to make it interesting. That bad writer might be Connor himself, taking Caesar's advice too seriously. Fall in love, and make it complicated. Except it isn't complicated, because it's Ali, who has liked him for who knows how long, sweet and innocent Ali who doesn't expect anything but love from him.

He can give her that, right? That's the plan?

"Um," Connor hesitates on the other end of the call. "W-why are you talking about that so soon. We're just dating, jeez."

Caesar huffs out a laugh.

"Fine, whatever, man. Just be careful, Dawn will beat your ass if you hurt her best friend," he says, laying back on the couch. Despite Ash's intervention, things seem to be working between Connor and Ali, which means he won't be mad at him anymore. It lifts a weight from his chest.

"Fuck, I forgot about Dawn. She'll have my head when she finds out."

"Pfft, of course not, don't be dramatic. I bet she'll be happy for her friend, you're only in danger if you misbehave."

"Misbehaving is like, our whole thing."

He laughs at Connor's distress, though the boy has a point. What is he supposed to do with a pure, naive creature as a girlfriend? It doesn't sound like his style at all. Which only makes everything more suspicious, but oh well.

"Dunno bro. Just don't get yourself killed before I get back home, can you do that?"

On the other side, Connor sighs. Caesar can almost see him slumping his shoulders in defeat.

"Guess I'll try. You'll protect me when you're back, right? Right?"

Rolling his eyes, Caesar says: "Fuck off, do I look like your bodyguard?"

A roundabout way of saying 'Don't I always?', to which the answer is an obvious yes. Always, as part of an unspoken agreement so old, it feels like it was there before they even met. It might even live for longer than they will, wouldn't be a surprise at this point.

Days go by rather quietly after that, until one morning Ash attacks him during breakfast. He grimaces at their appearance, hair held in a messy bun, and still in pajamas. It makes an uncomfortable contrast with Caesar's leather jacket and gray button-down.

"Rumor has it our boy has found a special someone, is that true?"

Not the best to start a conversation, or the day, for that matter. Caesar grunts his response and goes back to his eggs and bacon.

"Lisa says that Lee says that Darren says that Dawn says that Ali says that Connor's taking things slow," Ash presses on, taking a seat next to their brother. "Which we all know is not his way of proceeding at all, hence why Lisa says that... all the others say... that Ali thinks it's because she's special. Like, he wants to make it special, I don't know, something like that."

Blinking, Caesar takes another bite of his food. Breakfast doesn't seem like the proper occasion to discuss his best friend's sex life, though that doesn't deter Ash one single bit.

"So?" is all he answers.

Ash grabs a bagel form their brother's plate and munches on it, pensively.

"So I was wrong? About things not working out between the two of them?"

"Maybe you were. Even you get stuff wrong sometimes," Caesar says. "Serves you right for meddling into people's business."

"I do whatever the hell I want, thank you," Ash retorts, petulant. "Anyway, it all feels a bit weird to me. Don't you agree? Like, when did Connor show any signs of liking her, besides the usual flirting and whatnot? Did you know about this?"

He didn't, but admitting that would only further his sibling's suspicions, which in tow would mean they will meddle even more.

"You didn't!" Well, there it goes. "Then forgive me, but I can't possibly believe that Connor actually feels something for this girl, never mind how sweet she might be. In fact, I refuse that possibility entirely, and I think you do as well. But if he doesn't feel anything, then why is he doing all this?"

Caesar's been asking himself the same questions for the past few days, and come out empty handed. They're probably just thinking too much into it, and the simple truth is that Connor likes this girl and has decided to settle. He tells his sibling this much, but they don't seem satisfied.

"Mark my words, dickhead," they start, waving a finger between them. "This whole thing won't end well. Good luck for when you have to pick up the pieces."

They storm out of the hotel's restaurant, the effect a bit dwindled by the rainbows on their pajamas, but the message clear enough. It takes a bit more to intimidate Caesar, though, so he rolls his eyes and finishes his breakfast in silence.

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