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Over fucking cake I cry and cry

And raise my arms into the sky

And you know what I say?

"Fuck this place, fuck this life

What's in it for me anyway?"

You look back at the missed opportunities and regrets

All the mornings and nights just thinking

"What the hell am I gonna do today?"

"Where do I go?"

"How do I start anew

To get out of this hell hole?"

And then you suddenly remember

That cake you bought

You forgot about it

And the receipt is gone

Going back for it hours later will be a struggle

So you fuss about it and whine and complain and cry

I want my money back

But I want the cake more

I deserve it don't I?

Shit, this has become a waste

No more fast food

Neither any food at all

I just want to lay down in this cold bed

In this cold house

And you try falling asleep whilst thinking

"Fuck it."

You roll over to turn

And try to get sleep

And what do you see?

A baby bundt cake

While you're only getting a peep

"There is my cake

It's been waiting for me all along."

Up in the middle of the night

You get the worst tummy ache

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