chapter 3

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(Time skip)
It's now after school and Elena was going to visit mom and dad's graves I asked if I could come by she said no so I went to my room and waited for Elena to leave and jumped out my window and went to the cemetery to find Elena i walked then fog started forming and I got scared so I ran and tripped over a rock I hit my head on a tomb stone and had a deep cut on my leg from the rock I tripped over I started to feel dizzy and everything went blurry started to cry then I felt someone pick me up and I blacked out before I could see them. I woke up in an ambulance with Elena then I blacked out again when I woke up I was in hospital I started to freak out I hated hospitals ever since the accident. Then I saw Elena she was on her phone when she noticed that I was awake she quickly walked over because I was freaking out she pull me into a hug and she said "what happened " I look her in the eyes and she said" what were you thinking"  she gave me a small notebook and a pen a I wrote was happened. She hugs me, then the doctor comes in and say that I can go home tomorrow but I need to rest ,can't walk or run around or I'll rip out my stitches and that they have to be taken out in 2 weeks. The next day Elena gets Bonnie to drive us home, Elena is telling Bonnie about the boy she met at school yesterday, I zone out and look out the window. when we finally get home I go to get of the car but Elena quickly picks me up and says "can't walk you might rip your stitches " I frown and give her the puppy dog eyes, she looks at me a says "no Isabella" so I start crying and kicking her in hopes she will put me down. Then jerr comes outside and  says "what the matter "Elena says "bella isn't aloud to walk" Jeremy says "really" and Elena replies with" look at her leg" he says "ok sorry I didn't see"he takes crying me out of Elena's arms and takes me to his room where is Vicki laying on his bed he gives me to Vicki and says "be careful of her leg" as it is completely bandaged I pout and lay against Vicki's chest while she plays with my hair, after a while I get bored and try to get up off the bed but Jerr picks me up and says "come bella you know the rules "I start kicking him and crying Elena walks In and says" what are you doing to her" she takes me from him and takes me to my room to get changed into a black dress with a denim jacket

 Then jerr comes outside and  says "what the matter "Elena says "bella isn't aloud to walk" Jeremy says "really" and Elena replies with" look at her leg" he says "ok sorry I didn't see"he takes crying me out of Elena's arms and takes me to his roo...

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( Bella's outfit without the glasses and necklace )
Then she carrys me downstairs. When she gets ap text from Bonnie saying "meet at the grill" Elena looks at me a asks if I want to go to the grill and nod enthusiastically, Elena opens the door and there is a tall,good looking man at the door he says "I was about to knock , you dropped this yesterday and I thought I should return it and sorry for the disappearing act "Elena say "thanks I get I blood makes squeamish, but how did you know where I lived" he says "it a small town I just asked the first person I saw, I didn't read it by the way" she said "really most people would" he said" I wouldn't want anyone to read mine" then he noticed me and asked "who is this little cutie" Elena says" This is my little sister Isabella" I wave at him, he smiles and says "my name is stefan" then Elena says "where going to the grill do you want to come" stefan says "sure" as we walk to the grill he asks what happened to her leg Elena says "It happened yesterday at the cemetery ,she came looking for me a tripped over ". After a few minutes of talking we arrived and I saw caroline, see saw us and ran over she said hi and took me from Elena and we walked over to the table. Caroline put me on her lap,After a while I need to go to the bathroom so I tapped caroline and pointed at the bathroom, caroline,Bonnie and Elena looked at each other and Bonnie said "ill take her to the bathroom"as she picked me up and went to the bathroom as we walked out I saw a scary man with dark hair and crystal blue eyes he was staring at me,I buried my head in Bonnie's shoulder she looked at me a said "what's wrong bella"i looked up and the man was gone.

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