Chapter 10

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Suddenly i stood in a long hallway, It was empty, where a man stood in the distance a tall, pale, thin looking man.I walked towards him, unsure of where this might take me.As I approach, the man turns around and stared back at me. Then his face changes, his eyes turn black and he has veins under his eyes. He starts walking towards me and I start to back away and he speeds towards me and bites my neck. I scream as loud as I can until someone puts the man off me and tells me to run. I run through the door and into the woods, I hear someone behind me. I run as fast as I can until I'm tackled to the ground I see him and then I jolt awake to someone shaking me. I see kol, I bury my head in his chest and burst into tears saying don't let him get me I feel his arms wrap around me and he starts rubbing my back. After 5 minutes in still bawling my eyes out and kol yells REBEKAH!!, she come bursting into the room and say WHAT!! then kol say she had and nightmare and she won't stop crying i don't know what to do. She see me and her face softens, she speed walks over sits on the bed and take me from kol I first I pull away but then bury my head in her chest. So my crys turn into sobs and Rebekah hand me back to kol and trys to walk away but I keep hold of her shirt and say don't leave and she say but I have to go to sleep. I say no sleep here and she thinks for a minute then says ok move over kol. Kol holds me with one arm and slowly moves over,Rebekah gets in bed and I'm placed in the middle with Rebekah's arms around me while kol holds my hand tracing circles on the top of my hand. I wake up to someone carrying me, I soon find out it's kol I look at him and ask where are we going and he says that we are going to the grill because he is bored and  everyone is out. We get in the car and we drive to the grill. When we arrive kol gets out of the car, comes around to get me out and we walk into the grill. After kol finished annoying some girls we went home, once we got home I saw Rebekah's car was in the driveway. Once kol got me out I ran up the stairs and towards her room but I tripped and I tried to grab the table but everything fell off the table and landed on me with a loud crash. Everything hurt, I could move so I started crying I heard a someone speed over and everything get pushed off me, I'm speed into Rebekah's room and gentle placed on the bed. I touch my head and it's bleeding again I start to freak then move my arm and I feel pain shot up my arm and I scream I agony. Rebekah speed over with a glass of water and says this won't taste very nice but you need to drink it, then her face go's weird and she bites her wrist and place it  in front of my mouth and says drink it I look at her sceptical  but obey, her blood taste horrible as It flows down my throat eventually she pulls her arm away and wipes my mouth then gives me the water and then hugs me. Rebekah keep hugging me for awhile the i start to feel sleepy and close my eyes and rest my head on her shoulder. She notices and lays down a draws circles on my hand, while I slowly fall asleep.

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