Chapter six

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Katniss POV.

"Now turn left" Peeta is giving me the directions to get to New York. "We're almost there"
"Seriously Peeta , How long is it gonna take?"
"Stop whining, Kat"
"I'm not whining."
"You're so stuborn!" I glare at him "What? It's true"
"No, it's not. I'm NOT stuborn "
"See, there you are again. So stuborn" The parte I hate the most is that he's right. "Dont worry. I really like your stubborness. Its really cute , Kitty" than he flashes one of his smiles. Showing his perfectly white teeth.
"And by the way, we'll be in New York in around five hours."
"Ok I'll ride the rest of the way" I offer."But first, I want to eat."
"Good idea. It's almost 1 am, my stomach is starting to growl."
I dont know if it's a good idea to go around in public. I could be recognize and then I would have a lot of trouble.

Peeta's POV.
We really odd to stop to buy food and all but I'm scared that Katniss could be recognized. With the few time we've spent together I'm already in love with her. Yup it sounds stupid to be in love with someone you barely know but I am. I'm in love with Katniss Everdeen. I love her. So I cant let anyone hurt her. I swear if anyone touch a hair of hers, there would be blood.
Maybe it's a good idea to just tell her that I know that she escaped jail. that she is on the run. Just like me, but the reason is way different. I ran cause I couldn't take anything anymore. Not even myself. I just need to start a new life, and I hope that Katniss makes part. of that life.
So I'm just gonna tell her.
"Katniss, you shure it's a good idea to show yourself in public. Couldn't that be dangerous for you" it's a good idea to just go smooth with this só that she doesnt get scared and runs off.
"WHAT" she almost screams. Her face is a mix Between confusion and fear. Fear that I'll give her in to the police.
I try to keep it cool "Yeah Katniss I know about you. But dont worry, I want to help you."
She seems Both impressed and releaved about my confession. But she keeps silent, her mouth hanging open. She's so cute.
"Kat, look at me, I know that you're on the run and that you escaped jail. I just want to help you. I dont want you to be in trouble"
"Why ?" She asks me, still quite shocked. I just ignore her question. I myself dont know quite well why I'm doing this. I could go to prison. Or worst, see my mother again. I know it will happen at some point in my life, but I want it to be as late as possible.
"Look you need to disguise yourself if you dont want to be found.Pull in the next gas station" I say
"Just do it"
"Okay" she says throwing her hands in the air.
When we arribe the gas station I get off the car and tell Katniss "You stay here, while I go in there buy us some food and other stuff."
"Hum, ok" Katniss seems confused by my sudden seriousness but does has I say.
I go to the atire and by some bread, sandwiches, water, a chocolate bare and Two cans of Soda.
When I'm at the cashier I spot what I'm really needing. Taint to dye hair. I pick it up and pay for everything.
Then I go back to Katniss.
"Okay. Katniss though you have a beautiful hair, will have to dye it.
"Really? Why cant I keep my hair as it is?" She asks pretty mad
"Because that way you won't be recognised."
"Fine" she huffs. Then I give her my jacket and she pulls the hoodie over her head. She leaves the car and goes to the bathroom to dye her hair.
-------30 minutes later-------------------
After waiting patiently for Katniss , she finally gets back from the bathroom and looking stunning, I should add.
Her hair, now blond is cut short, really short, but it makes her look younger, more girlish. She gets in the car blushing slighly and looks ativem with an unsecure look.
"Wow, you look gorgeous. Not that you looked bad before. N-n-ot a-at all. You-uu've always looked beautiful and " I stop myself. Why was I stutering? I never stutter. Wait did I just tell her that she was beaititul? I mentally slap myself. I just made myself look like an idiot in front of Katniss. I start blushing like craizy.
She also starts blushing and laughs slithly. "Thank you, but it feels weird to dont have my braid and having blonde hair" she says
"Well you look great" Katniss starts giggling and it's adorouble.
How could I not love her? She's just só perfect. I wish Katniss felt the same way about me. But that isn't possible. She is to good for me.

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