Chapter 16

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Katniss POV.
Today we are going to District 4.
I'm going to miss it. There's no place like New York, but I guess this is a good thing.
We are all in Peeta's car in the highway.
I'm in the front with Fibnick and Peeta's sleeping in the back seat, snoring lightly. Mumbling words in his sleep. I wonder what is he dreaming about.
I've noticed that he has nightmares often. He just doesn't move a lot nor screams like me. They can pass pretty much unnoticed. He only stirs a litle and frowns.
"Did you kill that girl, Katniss?" Finnick asks all of a sudden.
"No. I'm innocent." I say defensivily.
"How come you went to jail if you didn't do it? What happened?" He asks. I consider if I should tell him. Technically I should, he is helping me but it was him who wanted to help, right?
"I was out in the woods that night. I heard a I scream and went to see what it was." my voice is starting to get shaky. I take a deep breath. "When I get there she is dead." my eyes are starting to get watery. "Then I was hit in the head and passed. That was it. I dont know who did it."
"Don't you want to find out." Finnick asks.
I look at the window. I don't answer.. When I run away my idea was to find out who did it and get my freedom back. But then I met Peeta. I want to be with him. I don't care about anything else besides being with him. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I stay looking throught the window, dazzed. Lost with my thoughts. Until Peeta starts to stir and frown.
"No..." He mumbles "stop.."
"Is he okay?" Finnick asks.
"It's a nightmare probably. Could you pull over so that I can sit with him in the back?" I ask.
I really hate when he has nightmares. I am very protectivily over him when it comes to that.
Finnick pulls over and I go to the back sit with Peeta.
Right now he words are getting louder and more perceptible.
I start stronking his hair.
"Shhh. It's okay." I whisper in his ear. "It's not real."
He flutters his eyes open and looks around worriedly until he fixes his gaze on me.
I cupp his face and plant a kiss in his forehead, like he does with me when I have nightmares.
"It was just a nightmare."
"Just a nightmare" he respeats, whispering.
Then he puts an arm around me and kisses my cheek. I place my head in his shoulder, like we always do.
"Sorry about that." Peeta says.
"Never apologize about that ever again Peeta." I say.
He just snorts.
Finnick turns off the radio.
"You okay, Peet?" He asks.
"Yeah, fine." he says sleepily.
Peeta arroles my hair while he has a discussion with Finnick about ketchup.
This is pretty boring. Im starting to drift off when Finnick yells:
"Our journey is compleeeete"
I jolt up in my seat.
"Uh what ?"
"We arrived district 12, Kat." Peeta clarifies.
I look through the window to see a beautiful blue house. It isn't to big nor to small. It is pretty cute. The door and the windows are white and there is a white fence circuling a beautiful garden with a diverse range flowers. All of them are happy and colourfull.
"I cant wait for you guys to meet Annie. She is going to be so happy about meeting you." Finnick says excitedly, getting off the car.
We all leave the car and get our bags.
Finnick goes and opens us the door whistling a melody. We come in finding a small hallway with ligh blue walls and a light wooden floor.
A girl around my age with wavey reddish hair and huge sea green eyes runs down the white stairs and jumps on Finnick's arms. she must be Annie, Finnick's girlfriend.
"Finnick. You're home." She squeaks.
He hugs her and kisses her lips.
"Missed you so much baby." he says. "I want to introduve you to some friends I made in New York."
Just now the girl seems to notice us.
I was about to introduve myself and Peeta when she runs up to me and hugs me.
"Annie, pleasure." she says.
Then she does the same with Peeta.
Okay, that was unexpected.
"Annie this is Katniss and Peeta." Finnick says.
"Nice to finally meet you Annie. Finnick wouldn't stop babilônia about you." Peeta says brightly, grinning.
"They are going to stay with us for some time. No problem with you about that, is there" Finnick says.
"Of course not.I love having people here." Annie says excitedly.
Wow, She's such a britgh person.
"That's great. You guys are ging to love it here. The weather is always sunny and we got the branch right infront of our house." Finnick pipes up.
"We'll take you to your room. Do you guys share?" Annie asks.
"Of course" Peeta says confidently putting his arm around me. I smile at his gesture, he is so cute.
"Come on then." Annie says.
They lead us to a room with stripped light blue walls. There is a big white bed in the middle and a huge window that seems to lead to a balcony.
"The bathroom is over there." Annie says pointing to a white door in the corner of the bedroom.
"Make yourself comfortable." she says leaving me and Peeta alone.
Peeta jumps on top of the bed and sights.
"This is perfect" he says.
I smile "It is" I say.
I have a better look at the bedroom.
The walls are more of a sea green colour, very light. There are some paintings of boats and there is one with some examples of knots. There is a white vanity in front of the bed with some shells decorating it.
I have a look at myself in the mirror. My hair is a complete mess, because of passing two says in a car.
The blond colour is starting to disappear, getting lighter from the top to the tips. My hair is longer now, it stop sim my shoulders, but it's still to short to braid it.
I go to the balcony.
The view is breathtaking. The blue ocean that goes till the horizon. The blue cloudless sky, that remindo me so much of Peeta's eyes, always shiny.
I take in the smell of the salty sea and listen to the sounds of the calm breaking waves. I really feel at peace in here. Like I was meant to be here.
"This could make a beautiful painting" someone behind me says. Peeta of course.
I turn around and hug him.
"For a family house." I say.
I never ever in my whole life even considered of having kids of my own. This world is just too cruel. But with Peeta something changes. I feels safe, I feel hope. Hope that life will get better.

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