Chapter 4

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Katniss POV.
After a few hours of driving we stop at a gas station.
"What are you doing, we cant stop!" the truth is that by now my face must be everywhere and everyone is searching for me and I CANT be found.
"Relax Kat, we just need gas and I seriously need to pee"
"Fine, hurry up" this comment ended up sounding more agrassive then it was supposed to be but I dont think he minded. "Okie" he says.
I seriously hope he hurries up I dont want anyone to find me and I certanly dont want Peeta to find about my secret.
I question myself of Peeta would give me in to the police, I dont think he would, i dont know why but I just think he wouldn't be able to do that.

Peeta's POV.
I'm just leaving the bathroom when my atention is turned to the newspaper cover, it has a picture of Katniss. I pick it up out of curiosity, but also cause I don't seem to get tired to look at her, she's so gorgeous with her beautiful silver eyes and her dark braided hair.
Then I start reading the newspaper's headline and I'm in shock, I'm pretty shure it's written all over my face. 'Katniss Everdeen, accused of murderer, run away from prision this morning. If someone identifies this woman contact immediatly the police'
I can't believe it. Katniss killed someone? That's impossible she seemed such a good person.
I'd better just call the police or something, but then again should I? I think I should be protecting, I mean she trusted me. Not that she really had a choice but still.
I can't tell what's stopping me from calling the police but I can't.
I think I'm falling for Katniss Everdeen.
After this realization I decide to hurry up to the car before someone identifies her so I just go and buy some gallons of gas and go back to Katniss.
"FINALLY !! What took you so long, Peeta?"
I wonder of I should tell her that I know that she ran off jail but then again she would probably get scared and run away from me and I really like having her around so I'd better not.
"Oh I just got lost" I say but I don't think I was convincing enough.
"Humm, okay then"
That moment we stay looking intensilly into each others eyes, I dont know why, it just felt right.
Then she just starts laughing"Peeta Mellark , you are a terrible liar"
I'm not quite sure why she's laughing but she look so adoroble that I cant avoid it so I just join her.
Man, I'm fallin hard for her.

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