12- I Get Crushed by a Rock

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Dylan Ψ

Ever since I started attending Ycnay Academy last fall, I've been having strange dreams. But by far this one was the strangest.

I was standing in what looked like some kind of great hall. Carin was on the other side of the room, staff and wand ready. In front of me was a golden throne, hieroglyphics hovering around it.

An old man lied unconscious beside the throne. Strung around his neck was some kind of strange amulet: a cross with a loop on top, with a box surrounding the loop.

Another man leaned against the throne, examining a golden crown. He was topless, ribs seemed to pop out of his frail skin. His jet black hair was so greasy it was like a gallon of hair gel was dumped on his head. Regardless of his appearance, he seemed to radiate power.

"What did you do to him?" Carin screamed at the conscious man.

"It was foolish of me to try and become a god. The other gods would of just over powered me. The afterlife has really given me some time to think about everything that went wrong. But, even the deepest pits in the afterlife can not keep me down forever. I am a cunning escape artist. So one day, a new idea came to me. Why not bring the gods down one by one until there is nothing left?"

"The gods will banish you before you even have time to start your plan!" Carin hollered.

"Oh Carin, you thought that living inside a mansion your whole life would really prepare you for what's out in the real world? The gods can't stop me. After I acquired the book of Thoth, I have mastered the arts of Hellenism. Everyone will bow down to me in fear. The dead will be my army. People will fear me, Carin Kane. I will conquer the world."

The man set the crown on his head and laughed. A golden light surrounded the throne and it disintegrated in a flash of blinding light.

"Your bringing down the house of life!" Carin screamed.

"I know," the man said. "That's part of my plan."

Golden light swept across the walls, disintegrating on the spot. The ceiling trembled as it caved in. I tried to move, but I couldn't seem to lift my legs. I wanted to scream out to Carin, scream for her to help me, but my mouth could not make a sound. I was helpless.

Carin turned to me. "Come on Dylan!" She shouted. My heart skipped a beat when she noticed me. Help me! Help me! I wanted to scream, but I couldn't feel my voice either. Carin ran towards me. She tugged on my arm. "Dylan! Why aren't you moving?"

I don't know! I wanted to scream, but my mouth, as usual, wouldn't work.

I glanced up at the ceiling. The golden light has already made it's way to the ceiling.

"I'm dead," Carin whispered, biting her lip.

A marble chunk from the ceiling fell, Carin let out a scream, but I couldn't hear her. My eyes watched the ceiling descend from the sky, my fear blocked all other senses. "I'm...dead," I croaked, letting out my final breath-

I sprung from my bed, palms sweaty and heart palpitating.

"Hey, why are you up?" Carin asked from her sleeping bag.

"I-I just had a bad dream," I responded. "Why are you up?"

Carin shrugged. "I'm worried about my parents, I know I shouldn't be, but something doesn't feel right."

Visions of Carin in that great hall flooded my mind. Her staff, her wand, the ceiling...oh god...the visions of her were too morbid.

"I'm sure they'll be fine, and if they need help, I'm sure you'll save them."

"Thanks, Dylan." Carin said as she laid back in her sleeping bag.

"Goodnight," I said as my face hit my pillow.

"By the way," Carin mentioned. "You drool in your sleep."

I was going to respond, but then I heard the soft snoring of Carin on the floor. Maybe it was better that way.

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