Messages from the wicked

12 1 5

I'm sitting comfortably on the sofa next to Tammy, her head in the crook of my neck, as we watch television together. Our peace gets disrupted however, by multiple text messages.

- Hey

- Peachy

- Reply

- Now

- Did you miss me?

I flinch, reading the name of the person sending me these messages. Not Briar - Rae. I glance back to Tammy, whose looking at me, concerned.

"Peachy, are you okay? What's going on?" She asks me, starting to get up. I show her my phone, and explain the worst: that Rae is back.

"Rae? That girl Rae you told me about?"

"Well I don't know any other girls called Rae so I'd assume so?" I snapped. I then sigh and apologise. "I'm sorry Tams, it's just that I'm so scared... She hurt me so bad, I don't wanna go back to that."

She comfortingly rubs my back. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here, I'll help you through it. Besides, if you need, I'm sure Luna, Slime and Dorian would love to go 'hunting' if things go wrong..."

A gradually loud sound could be heard, starting from the opposite end of the house. All of a sudden, the living room door burst open and Luna and Dorian shot in, Luna dragging Dorian behind her by the wrist, who is on the floor, in pain.

"Who said what about murder?" Luna asks, finally halting.

"Luna you DRAGGED ME DOWN THE STAIRS!" Dorian shouts, ripping her arm away from Luna's grip and standing back up.

"But... but murder..." Luna mutters.

"NO." Dorian cuts in, grabbing Luna's arm and stomping back up the stairs, her in tow. With all the distractions, I sneak off to my bedroom, to have a proper conversation with Rae.

- What the fuck? Why are you texting me?

- I want to talk to you, Peachy. We haven't talked in a year or two - I heard you made some new friends...

- I swear to God if you turn them away from me too, you'll pay for it. These people are amazing, and Tammy is wonderful, my life wouldn't be as special as it is now without them here with me.

- That's nice.

- Anyways, I want to meet and talk. You know; catch up a little.

- I have nothing to say to you - leave me alone. After all the awful things you did to me, why the hell do you think I'd allow you back into my life?

- You'll find out when you meet me. You're a gambler, the curious type. I'll leave the reason hidden until you meet me.

- Damn it.

- So arrive - BY YOURSELF - at the nearby park tonight at 4.

- I'm working then.

- ...

- 5pm?

- I finish work then - would take me at least an hour to get from work to the park, if there's no delays.

- But I also wanna eat food first so...



- ...

- Fair.

- Okay how about 7pm?

- Fine. I'll let you know if there are any changes.

I sigh and put away my phone.

Just what have I gotten myself into?

Hey guys... Yep, this is referencing you know who. I decided that writing about it in a real life setting might help me feel better haha - and maybe it might be fun too!

But for now...

Peachy out!

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