Chapter 5

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It was cold, the morning breeze had brought shivers down on Luise's spine. She slowly opened her eyes to see the morning light. Everything smelled fresh, from the grass to the air. She looked up to see a mechanical critter flying. "What the shuck is that?" She asked herself. Growing accustomed to the glader slang.

Luise looked around, now sitting down. She saw that almost half of the boys were still sleeping, probably the hangover's keeping them asleep.

Looking at the horizon, Luise saw a pair going into the mysterious maze. "Runners." She mumbled, she wanted to be one, she wanted answers. And maybe entering the maze would be the only thing that would make the growing anxiousness disappear. Standing up, Luise walked towards frypans kitchen. The smell of meat and eggs being fried lingered around the area, Luise sat on a sturdy wooden chair and leaned on the table beside it.

"G-Good morning Frypan." Luise greeted, skittishly.

"Good morning to you too. " He replied, placing the plate filled with grub in front of her. "Hey, Look I'm sorry for laughing at you last night. That was terrible of us." Frypan apologized, sitting at the chair across Luise.

Luise smiled sheepishly. "It's alright. I guess it was also my fault for being too feisty." Luise grabbed a plate and took portions of food from what Frypan prepared. A perfect egg, two strips of bacon, and two loaves of bread with mayonnaise spread on the other side and cheese in the other.

"This is good!" Luise complimented, earning a smile from Frypan with his pearly whites.

Luise gobbled all the food, grabbing an apple. She munched on it to see Frypan looking at her.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked with her mouth filled with apple chops.

"Nah guess first impressions are almost always wrong. You seem like a good gal to me, but you've got a strong will in your eyes." He said. "The I want to save the world kind of thing, you've got it in your eyes the way they glint."

"Well I don't have that much strength in me." Luise replied, modestly.

"You kiddin? The way you punched that guy terrified us all, I even heard him wailing in pain in some corner last night. We all made a grim reminder to ourselves to never piss you off." Frypan exaggerated, eating a sandwich.

"Hey that wasn't even a full-blown punch, here let me try it out on you." Luise punched Frypan on the shoulder causing Frypan to wince in pain.

"Oh shuck, Are you alright!?" Luise touched the part where she had punched frypan.

"Hey! Don't you touch it you brute, damn I should've never let you do that. Boy, do you have metal under your skin?" Frypan joked, still wincing in pain.

Luise was now in a fit of laughter the way Frypan reacted.

"Seems like you guys are having fun, can I join?" A teen with British accent asked. Newt had sat on the chair beside Frypan, while eating an apple.

"Good morning. " He greeted us both, the crunch of an apple being eaten was heard.

"Today you'll get to try out different jobs in the glade, to see which job you're suited." Newt informed.

Luise looked perplexed, "Wait so I can't pick what I want?" She inquired, Looking at Newt directly as he ate his apple.

"Well, They get to choose you. So ya better work hard to get selected at the job you want."

"What if I want to be a runner?" Luise looked serious, Frypan had a low gasp. And Newt was looking at Luise with the same expression.

"You just don't get it." He sighed. "Nobody wants to be a runner, Who wants their life on the line every time they do their job? Besides. Luise, Like I said. They choose you. You've got to be the best of the best, You've got to be strong,Intelligent,and fast." He explained.

Luise only smiled.

"Challenge accepted."

"You've got to be bloody kidding me." Newt looked at Luise for the umpteenth time. Expecting her to give up, she looked outside. "So when does the training start?"Luise beam enthustiastically.

"Ugh." Newt groaned.

"Remember, you still have to be tested by the other keepers." Newt reminded.

"I know."

With that Luise nodded and left towards the slaughter house.


Luise stared at all the blood splattered on the ground, Winston had a butchers knife in hand while holding down a chicken that was squirming for dear life. Luise felt sympathy for every animal that had been butchered. She watched in horror as Winston killed the chicken mercilessly, then plucked out it's feathers, Leaving the chicken featherless.

Once it was over, Luise swore that she'd start eating vegetables for eternity.

Once she was outside, She accidentally bumped into Gally. When she looked at him, he looked at her menacingly. Luise felt her blood boil by just seeing his face, clenching her fists, she controlled the strong urge to punch him in the face.

Once she passed by him, she heard a 'tsk' from Gally, sausing Her eyes to cringe uncontrollably.

"Shuck-face." Luise muttered under her breath, audible enough for Gally to hear from their distance.

"What'd you say!?" Gally stomped in front of her. Nose flaring, face flushed.

"Nothing." Luise avoided eye contact, trying to be stiff.

"I'm warning you, do anything funny. And I'll punish you myself." He warned just like the last time, turning his heel to the other side.

"Oh please." Luise rolled her eyes as she walked away.

While she was walking towards her next destination, she could feel her head spinning with every step she took. Every time she closed her eyes she would see delineate images flashing back. She was there, Talking to a blonde woman in white. They were memories, just a snippets of them. And with that, Luise fell to the hard ground, her eyes shutting down.

"Wick, You're different."

To Be Continued...

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