Chapter 14

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Newt had spent two years in the glade, and he had experienced a lot. He knew that he had grown wiser, it didn't take long for him to develop a skill which would enable him to detect a problem. It was probably what made him the so called 'glue' in their glade.

He sat on top of a chopped stump, observing the blonde haired lass who looked like she was out of her 'zone'. She looked like there was something bothering her, and being her first official friend. Newt took initiative, he walked towards Luise, placing his right hand unto her shoulder.

Luise went into defensive mode and almost punched Newt till she saw his face.

"Seriously Newt, don't come creepin the living shit out of me." Luise gripped her chest, as if something had exploded within it. Her blonde hair looked lighter than before, and her eyes looked different. Were they always this bright?, He thought.

"Hey!" Luise snapped her fingers, as Newts attention was brought back to her.

"What's up, Newt?" She asked, looking a bit worried at the face Newt had awhile ago. Newt gazed at Luise, "You look bloody troubled." He commented, stroking Luise's hair before he patted it. "You didn't run today?" Newt wondered why, since he knew that Luise was pretty much enthusiastic of running the maze.

"No." She subtly replied, trying to avoid eye contact. Newt knew something was wrong, although he wondered what it was. He joked, and said so ething that made Luise suddenly nervous.

"What? did someone kiss you or something?" He joked, noticing that he hit the gold, Newt himself was shocked as well. "Wait, are you serious?!" He didn't want to sound envious or something but his remark sounded like that.

"What're you saying, Newt?" She chuckled, whilst looking away for a brief second.

"Its written on your face, Luise. Who kissed you?" Newt made it sound like an interrogation, it seems like things aren't coming out as he expected. Newt looked around, making sure that no one was there to hear their conversation. Adjusting himself from his sitting, Newt crossed his arms and hoped that Luise would answer.

"Minho." and then she ran.

"What? Minho?" Newt ran after Luise but knew that it was worthless, the girl ran as fast as a cheetah, there was no way he would've catch up. Even if he was an... ex-runner.

Luise ran into the woods, knowing that Newt wouldn't dare going there. She went further in and stumbled upon a part which she has never seen before.

"What the?"

There was a massive graveyard before her, with giant flies flying around. They mentioned a few but she never knew that it would be this many. Luise looked around, un-aware of the shadow lurking around.

Luise crouched down and looked at the name written on the slab of wood.


Luise read what's beneath the name. "Was stung"

Suddenly a man had leaped above her causing her to fall to the ground. The man was that guy who was being hauled to the medics by Minho. The guy didn't even look human-ish by now, his skin was pale blue and there were violet marks on his body, some were bruises, some were wounds.

"You're the devil!" He screamed at her, clawing at her arm. Luise with all her might tried to push off the lunatic on top of her. Luise had a chance to escape but was grabbed at the foot.

"God, let go of me! What did I ever do to you?!" She exclaimed, trying to look for a blunt object. As he trashed around, his weight weighing her down making it harder for her to breath.

"You were her daughter! I saw you!"

And it was as if time had stopped for a second, things were slowing down. Those critters called beetle blades were capturing every moment. Pictures flooded her brain but Luise couldn't interpret them.

Luise knew she was about to black out, but she tried to fight back at everything. Some gladers had arrived trying to stop him from his outrage, Newt ran towards her, screaming her name over and over again.

"Luise! Luise!" He exclaimed, his voice already shaking.

And when everything was about to be lost, the words 'Wicked' appeared in her mind in bold letters.

Then Luise lost all consciousness.

To Be Continued...

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