Chapter 4

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Night had fallen and the gladers threw a welcome celebration for Luise. A bonfire was lit, fire flickering every now and then. The guys had alcoholic drinks in bottles which they were drinking. Luise sat near the fire, trying to warm herself as the others joked around.

Luise glanced at Gally who was constantly glaring at her every time she looked at his direction, everybody was in groups, well wherever they actually belonged-leaving her at a disadvantage.

A freckly guy sat beside her, obviously drunk. Looking at her indecently. disgusted, Luise tried to scoot away only to be grabbed by the hand.

"Hey beautiful." The guy flirted, pissing Luise off. A vein popped, Luise was definitely angry. Clenching her fists, she punched the guy straight in the face. "Touch me again and I'll break your face." Luise left, people whooping at the act she had pulled.

Luise sat at the dark green grass, far from the crowd of guys. She looked at the stars, wondering at how anybody could stay calm at the situation they were in. They're trapped here, and despite that. They're just having fun when there are mysteries to be answered.

"Something bothering you?" A voice erupted from behind.

Luise went into defense mode, "Want to get punched just like that other guy!?" Luise glared at the man only to bring down her fists. It was Alby.

"Hey calm down greenie." He sat down, urging Luise to sit down as well.

"I know it's difficult for you to trust anyone here, there are many mysteries. surrounding the maze. But thank the runners cause they're trying to make a change. The search for a way out." Alby explained. "Do you hear that?" He asked Luise, who was now trying to concentrate at what Alby was trying to point out.

The sound of something heavy moving was heard, followed by a mechanical screech, like something wicked trying to get through those doors.

"What was that." Luise, confused, asked Alby. Terrified of what's out there.

"You see the maze changes everynight, and at night. Monsters lurk around, we call 'em 'Grievers'. A man made creature created by the shanks that trapped us here. Only the runners have seen the terrors of what's in the maze that's why we do whatever we can to prevent a curious greenie from dying on their first day."

"I-I never knew that..." Luise frowned at the way she acted awhile ago, realizing that she was acting idiotically. "I apologize for my actions, guess I just acted on impulse."

He chuckled, patting Luise at the back.

"Well we don't expect terrified people to just go with the flow." He laughed, making Luise smile.

"Now I think you should go socialize with the other gladers." Alby encouraged, expecting a smile from Luise only to see her looking at the grass.

"I-I don't want to." She replied. Looking at the starry sky above them. "I'm scared..."

Before Alby could ask why, Luise had walked away with a low nod.

At the center the guys were having a duel, everybody was rooting for Gally who had thrown the other male outside the drawn circle. The man thrown knocked Luise who was about to get food.

"Ouch!" Luise groaned, trying to push the guy above off of her.

"What, can't even push a scrawny guy? Tsk. Girls are so weak." Gally insulted, looking down at Luise the way he had earlier.

The guy on top of Luise had already gotten up and apologized to Luise as she glared at him. Luise dusting the brown dirt of off her grey tunic, she approached Gally.

"What is your problem with me?! I didn't do anything to you." Luise exclaimed, waiting for Gally's snarky reply.

"So what if I do have a problem with you, what're you gonna do? Cry about it. Ohh, that's what all girls do right?" Everybody had broken to laughter and was now making fun of her.

Luise looked around her, seeing that the only one who didn't laugh was Newt and an Asian guy looking at her with his arms crossed.

Remembering Alby' words, Luise took a deep breath, and smiled.

"I hope you're all having fun." With that Luise left, hiding the tears that were about to fall.

"Great, now you've bloody done it." Newt crossed his arms. "You guys should think about your actions, That was very childish for all of you to bloody do." He went off and followed Luise's tracks.

Luise now near the forest, sat on the grass, crying. The moon had barely lit the place, but it was enough to drive her fear of darkness.

She curled up into a ball, and hummed a tune she slightly remembers from a distant memory.

"Are you alright?" A familiar voice asked, a torch in hand. Sensing that it was Newt she frantically wiped the tears. Newt sat down beside her, with the torch their only source of light.

"Yup." She replied.

"I'm sorry if I couldn't do anything to stop them." He apologized.

"It doesn't matter, I just..., I just thought that at that moment, maybe I could try and become friends with somebody, just as Alby told me to. But then it just backfired..." Luise said, the tears had betrayed her and where now falling again.

"Hey look at me." Newt ordered. Luise looked at him. "I'm your friend, Right?" He smiled, his smile illuminating the ebony darkness that surrounded them.

Luise smiled, truthfully.

"Yes you are."

To Be Continued...

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